would rather的用法 | |||
作者:admin 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數:0 更新時間:2008-10-16 |
■后面直接接動原形,否定式在rather后加not。如: He’d rather work in the countryside. 她寧可到農村去工作。 I’d rather not tell you about it. 那件事我寧愿不告訴你。 I’d rather not say anything. 我寧可什么也不說。 Which would you rather have, tea or coffee?你喜歡喝茶; 還是咖啡? ■would rather. . . than. . . . 或would rather…than…表示“寧可(愿)……(而)不要(愿)……或“與其……不如……”。如: I’d rather play tennis than swim. (=I’d play tennis rather than swim. ) 我寧愿去打網球而不愿去游泳。 注:當than后的動詞原形與前面的動詞原形相同時可以省去。如: I’d rather go on Sunday than on Monday. 我寧愿星期天去而不在星期一去。 有時可將rather than置于句首來加強語氣。如: Rather than refuse to help you, I would borrow money from my friends. 我寧可向朋友借錢,也不愿拒絕幫助你。 ■后接從句時,從句謂語動詞要用過去式,即表示現在或將來要做的事,用一般過去式,表示過去要做的事用過去完成時。如: I would rather you came tomorrow. 我寧愿你明天來。 He’d rather you came on Friday. 他比較希望你在星期五來。 I would rather you didn’t mention the price. 我愿意你別提價錢。 I’d rather she sat (didn’t sit) next to me. 我愿意她坐(不坐)在我旁邊。 I’d sooner (rather) you didn’t ask me to speak. 我寧愿你別請我講話。 I’d rather you had been / hadn’t been present。我(寧)愿你當時在場 / 不在場。 I’d rather you hadn’t told him the news that day. 我真希望你那天沒有把那消息告訴他。 I’d rather you had been / hadn’t been present。我(寧) 愿你當時在場 / 不在場。 ■would rather 接動詞的完成式,表示主語要做某事,而結果事與愿違。如: I’d rather have left a note on her desk. 我本想留張字條在她書桌上的(from www.hz123456.com)。 If she’d had the chance, she’d rather have lived 100 years ago. 如屬可能,她寧愿生活在100年以前。 “At that time, I would rather have been a factory worker than an animal keeper,”he said. “那時,我寧愿做一個工廠工人,也不愿做動物飼養員,”他說道。 If I’d lived in 1400. I’d rather have been a knight than a monk. 如果我生活在1400年,我寧愿當騎士,不當修道士。 引用地址: |
文章錄入:admin 責任編輯:admin | |||
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