Our country has a large population and weak economic foundation, and its development is unbalanced. The arduous and onerous tasks we’ve undertaken in advancing reform and opening up and socialist modernization, the scale and complexity of the contradictions and problems we’ve met in reform and opening up, and the difficulties and risks on our way forward are all unprecedented.
To properly solve these contradictions and problems, and overcome these difficulties and risks, we should grasp the principal contradictions and the principal aspects and make them as the breakthrough points. Meanwhile, we should be good at making overall plans, coordinating and balancing, to pool forces helpful in overcoming the principal contradictions and the principal aspects of the contradictions. We should also constantly enhance our capability of controlling complicated situations and solving complicated problems, to advance social and economic development.
In the past three decades, the Party has innovatively explored and answered major theoretical and practical questions such as what Marxism is, how to treat Marxism, what socialism is, how to build socialism, what kind of party we must build and how to build it, what kind of development China should achieve and how to achieve it. The experiences of the past three decades can be summarized as adapting the basic tenets of Marxism to conditions in China, taking our own road and building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Experiences in the past 30 years are extremely precious wealth and should be doubly treasured and consciously put into practice by all Party members.
The Chinese nation has a history of over 5,000 years. In the long history of China, people of all ethnic groups have made concerted efforts to strive to become stronger, exploiting the beautiful landscape of the motherland, creating the glories of Chinese civilization and making a huge and unforgettable contribution.
After the Opium War, Western intervention and the decadent governance of feudal rulers gradually reduced China to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal state. The country was then extremely poor and backward, embroiled in endless wars, and the people were plunged into the depths of misery. To realize the great renaissance of the Chinese nation, numerous public spirited individuals rose up to create a new Chinese renaissance, seeking ways to save the nation and the people and build a new China.
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