英語專業教材應重視語言表達的規范性 | |||
作者:黃衛峰 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2009/5/17 |
英語專業教材應重視語言表達的規范性 ——評《英漢比較研究與翻譯》中的英語表達問題 (溫州大學外國語學院 黃衛峰) 由我國著名英語教育家戴煒棟教授任總主編、邀請全國英語語言文學專業各研究領域中的知名專家學者主編的“英語語言文學專業研究生系列教材”彌補了長期以來我國英語專業研究生教育缺乏統一教材的不足,對于“規范我國的英語語言文學專業的研究生課程,培養出更多基礎扎實、知識面廣、富有開拓精神、符合社會需要的高質量研究生”具有重要意義。(該系列教材總序用語) 英語專業用英語教材具有至少雙重功能,即不僅傳授知識,還要幫助學生提高英語水平,因此,教材中所用語言應該盡可能規范、地道。然而,用作“高等院校英語語言文學專業研究生系列教材”之一的《英漢比較研究與翻譯》(English-Chinese Comparative Studies & Translation)[1]卻存在不少基本語言表達問題。筆者不揣冒昧,現將其中存在的句法問題和詞法問題提出來,就教于作者及專家學者。如有不當之處,敬請批評指正。另外,為便于今后進一步改進,順帶將筆者所發現的為數不多的拼寫錯誤提出來。 一、句法問題 (一)主謂數不一致問題 英語是一種形合語言,其主要表現形式之一就是要求主謂在數(指單數或復數)方面保持一致,否則就屬于語法錯誤。這是初學英語的人都必須掌握的基本規則。然而,作為一本英語專業研究生教材,卻存在不少此類錯誤。眾所周知,此類錯誤一般的計算機都能自動識別,會用綠線標出。因此,很難讓人理解。以下句子都存在此類問題,除個別情況外,不再一一分析。 1. Ever since the policy of “Reform and Open-door” was carried out, the academic circles in China has been flourishing with many new fields to be approached and new problems to be solved. (p. 3) 2. Generally speaking, the term of “comparative” and the term “contrastive” means differently. (p.4) 3. So the three stages mentioned above simply gives one a general impression of the development of the language. (p. 32) 4. Even though sounds in themselves have no meaning, and even though association between sounds and meanings in language are arbitrary and conventional, there are ways of using sounds to complement meaning. (p. 64) 5. The sound patterns in the Chinese language also has influence on poetry. (p. 65) 6. However, prosody is the science of the writing of poetry, and the study of the laws that governs the ways in which its regular sounds and beats are arranged. (p. 66) 7. And the meanings of each word depends on the amalgamation rules and develop with the changes of the Chinese culture. (p. 82) 8. However, to the Chinese mind the shifts of the subject is not a violation of unity on condition it reads smooth. (p. 142) 9. There is no need to bother unduly with the considerations of stylistic elegance that affect some varieties… (p. 167) 10. The science English bear the same features. (p. 166) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] ... 下一頁 >> 引用地址: |
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