強調主語時,人稱代詞可以用賓格形式 | |||
作者:李 翔 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2009/8/15 |
■需要說明的是: 一、Randolph Quirk于1972年在A Grammar of Contemporary English中還認為是“非正式用法”,不知什么原因到后來卻上升為“這種用法受到廣泛的譴責”。 二、既然《美國文學教程》(“Aside from being used as a textbook of American literature for English majors of the university, A Course in American Literature may benefit the broad masses of English learners, considerably, in their advanced studies.”)是供“除了可以被高校英語專業用作美國文學教材外,也可以供進入高級階段的廣大英語學習者使用”,里面出現非正式文體是理所當然的,作為學英語的高級學習者(advanced learners)應該接觸各種各樣的文體,況且《美國文學教程》所選的文章也未必都是正式文體。 盡管有人認為“強調主語時,人稱代詞用賓格”屬于非正式用法—— 這只是語法專家在研究領域設置的禁令 —— 至于是非正式用法還是正式用法,那是語法專家的事,其他人根本不管,仍然照用不誤。請看英美語中,“強調主語時,人稱代詞用賓格形式”的真實例證: 1. 在BNC(英國國家語料庫http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk) 和BUY-BNC BRTISH NATIONAL CORPUS (UK,1980s-1993) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/ 上包含“It is/was +人稱代詞賓格+who/that... ”(關系代詞who/that在定語從句中作主語) 的例句分布如下: 2例 It is me who... 4例 It is us who... 1例 It is us that... 32例 It was me who... 14例 It was me that... 3例 It was us who... 1例 It was us that... 2例 It is him who... 1例 It is him that... 5例 It was him who... 8例 It was him that... 3例 It was her who... 3例 It was her that... 1例 It was them who... 4例 It was them that... 2. 在BYU: THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY (http://corpus.byu/oed/)上包含“It is/was +人稱代詞賓格+who/that... ”(關系代詞who/that在定語從句中作主語) 的例句分布如下: 1例 It was us who... 1例 It was her that... ( 1970 Or perhaps it was us who had lured him over to the other side of the fence. (筆者譯:可能是我們誘惑他翻越到籬笆的另一邊。) 3. 在TIME CORPUS OF AMERICAN ENGLISH (1923-2006) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) (http://corpus.byu.edu/time) 上包含“It is/was +人稱代詞賓格+who/that... ”(關系代詞who/that在定語從句中作主語) 的例句分布如下: 2例 It was me that... (1931/04/20 ... just don't tell anyone it was me that saved you. (筆者譯:……只是不要告訴任何人是我就了你。)
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