He entered the room, his face pale. 他走進屋來臉色蒼白。
Computers very small, we can use them widely. 電腦雖小,我們卻能廣泛地利用它們。
She stood erect, her body stiff with fury. 她站得筆直,身子氣得發僵。
He sat in the front row, his mouth half open. 他坐在前排,嘴半開著。
The people, their livelihood secure, now have the leisure to take up sports. 現在人民生活有了保障,就有時間參加體育活動了。
The firm, itself immense, did not disdain the petty retail dealing. 這家公司盡管規模很大,但并不輕視這筆小零售生意。
The Trojans asleep, the Greek soldiers crept out of the hollow wooden horse.特洛伊人睡著了,于是希臘士兵從中空的木馬里悄悄爬了出來。