為 forbid…from doing sth 正名 | |||
作者:李 翔 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數:9999 更新時間:2010/5/31 |
再請看英美人使用forbid… from doing sth的真實例證: 1.BNC(英國國家語料庫http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk)和BUY-BNC BRTISH NATIONAL CORPUS (UK,1980s-1993) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/: Electoral law does not forbid him from describing himself as Conservative but his rival, Mr Gerry Malone, will describe himself on the ballot paper as The Conservative Party Candidate. You can go to court for an order to exclude your husband from your home or to forbid him from harassing you in any way. 2. BUY CORPUS OF AMERICAN ENGLISH (1990-2009) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University) http://www.americancorpus.org/: 1993 …,medical ethics forbid him from disconnecting the device. 1996 Because of Brian’s leukemia, Air Force regulations forbid him from continuing his training as a pilot, … 2004 ..., his relatives tried to strike his lover’s name from the guest list and forbid him from seeing the dying man. 盡管Collins系列詞典沒有收錄forbid… from doing sth的例證,但在The Collins WordbanksOnline English corpus (http://www.collins.co.uk) 上,卻不乏forbid…from doing sth的例證: Constituents were picketing their offices demanding mass transit, but federal law forbade them from sidetracking any highway money for it. Police rules forbade him appearing for the defence, but he was subpoenaed and his forensic evidence proved decisive. Article 26 forbade soldiers from participating in political activities. The rules, I gather, don’t specifically forbid you using a larger racket - but then, if you pursue this line of argument, they also don’t specifically say you can’t … At his home in New Jersey yesterday, Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman told reporters that his religious beliefs forbid him from hurting people or destroying building. 以上例證證明了在英美英語中forbid…from doing sth已經被人們所接受,是正確的英語表達形式。在中國人編著的詞典中也forbid…from doing sth的例證,如陸谷孫主編《英漢大詞典》(第2版) (上海譯文出版社2007年3月第1版)p727: Civilians are strictly forbidden from entering that area. 嚴禁平民進入那地區。 ■感謝李翔老師對本站的支持和厚愛!本文為本站首發,如有兄弟網站轉載本文,務請注明來源,同時帶上本站的有效鏈接!
引用地址:http://www.hz123456.com/Article/201005/1597_2.html |
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