過程系動詞的三種搭配 | |||
作者:陳仁禎 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2010/9/25 |
■本站特約作者 陳仁禎
英語中表示過程的系動詞不多,主要是那些表示過程變化的系動詞。 一、后接形容詞 能后接形容詞作表語的過程系動詞主要有 become, come, fall, go, get, grow, run, turn, wear等。如: Please don’t get angry. 請不要生氣。 The children must not go hungry. 孩子們不應當挨餓。 Gradually they became silent. 他們逐漸沉默起來。 The milk turned sour in the heat. 牛奶在高溫下變酸了。 The pollution problem is growing serious. 污染問題日見嚴峻。 The water ran cold when I turned the tap on. 我把水龍頭打開,水就涼了。 Towards the end of the game she fell asleep. 她在比賽快結束時睡著了。 The sheets have worn thin in the middle. 床單的中間部分磨薄了。 二、后接名詞 表示過程的系動詞后接名詞的用法不算常見,比較常用的主要有 become 和 make。 1. become+名詞 She became a doctor. 她成了醫生。 They became great friends. 他們成了莫逆之交。 That child was to become a great leader. 那孩子長大后必定成為偉大領袖。 It has become a rule that we sing during our tea-break. 我們在吃茶點的休息時間里唱歌已成慣例。 2. make+名詞 She would have made an excellent teacher. 她本可以成為杰出的教師。 It’s a story that would make a great film. 這是個能拍出好電影的故事。 He’ll never make an actor. 他決當不成演員(www.hz123456.com)。 This hall would make an excellent theatre. 這座大廳可當作極好的劇院。三、后接不定式 表示過程的系動詞后接不定式也不算普通,主要有 come, get 和 grow。如: You’ll like her once you get to know her. 你一旦了解她你 就喜歡她的。 The little girl is growing to be more and more like her mother. 這個小姑娘長得越來越像她媽媽了。 I have come to believe that the Government’s economic policy is misguided. 我認識到政府的經濟政策已步入歧途。 引用地址: |
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