《朗文高級英語語法》 | |||
作者:admin 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2011/3/18 |
第十九章 表示因果、對比和條件關系的關聯詞(Connectives That Express Cause And Effect, Contrast, And Condition) 19-1 because of 和due to的用法 (Using because of and due to) 19-2 用過渡詞表示因果關系:therefore和consequently (Using Transitions to Show Cause and Effect: therefore and consequently) 19-3 句型和標點符號小結 (Summary of Patterns and Punctuation) 19-4 其它表示因果關系的方式:such…that和so…that (Other Ways of Expressing Cause and Effect: such . . . that and so . . . that) 19-5 表示目的:so that的用法 (Expressing Purpose: Using so that) 19-6 表示對比(意料之外的結果)〔Showing Contrast (Unexpected Result)〕 19-7 表示直接對比 (Showing Direct Contrast) 19-8 表示條件:otherwise和or(else)的用法〔Expressing Conditions: Using otherwise and or (else)〕 19-9 關聯詞小結:因果、對比和條件關系 (Summary of Connectives: Cause and Effect, Contrast, Condition) 第二十章 條件句和表達愿望的方式 (Conditional Sentences And Wishes) 20-1 條件句中一般動詞形式概述 (Overview of Basic Verb Forms Used in Conditional Sentences) 20-2 現在和將來的真實條件句 (True in the Present or Future) 20-3 現在和將來的非真實條件句(與事實相反)〔Untrue (Contrary to Fact) in the Present or Future〕 20-4 過去的非真實條件句 (與事實相反)〔Untrue (Contrary to Fact) in the Past〕 20-5 在條件句中使用動詞的進行時形式 (Using Progressive Verb Forms in Conditional Sentences) 20-6 條件句中“混合時間”的用法(Using “Mixed Time” in Conditional Sentences)424 20-7 if 的省略 (Omitting if) 20-8 暗含的條件(Implied Conditions) 20-9 as if/as though的用法 (Using as if/as though) 20-10 wish后面的動詞形式 (Verb Forms Following wish) 20-11 用would表達對于未來的希望(Using would to Make Wishes about the Future)434 附錄 增補語法單元 (Supplementary Grammar Units) A單元:基本語法術語 (Basic Grammar Terminology) A-1 主語、動詞和賓語 (Subjects, Verbs, and Objects) A-2 介詞和介詞短語 (Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases) A-3 形容詞 (Adjectives) A-4 副詞 (Adverbs) A-5 be動詞 (The Verb be) A-6 系動詞 (Linking Verbs) 上一頁 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一頁 引用地址: |
文章錄入:admin 責任編輯:admin | |||
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