have go還是have to go
請看下面的題,是選have go還是have to go?
Whom would you rather _________ with you, Jim or Jack?
A. have go B. have to go C. have gone D. has to go
有的同學從一看選項便首先排除了A,認為 have go 這種結構本身就有問題。而事實上此題的正確答案正是 A。請同學們先看下面一句:I would rather have Jim go with me. (我寧愿要吉姆同我一道去。) 句中的 have 為使役動詞,所以其后用作賓語補足語的不定式 go with me 不帶 to。假若對此句中的 Jim 提問,不就成了 Whom would you rather have go with you 了嗎?請再看一道類似的試題:
Who did the teacher _________ an article for the wall newspaper?
A. has write B. have write C. has written D. have written
【分析】此題很容易誤選C或D,因為從選項本身來看,A和B的搭配結構顯然不對。其實,此題的正確答案是B,此句可通過對下面一句的 Jim 提問得來:The teacher had Jim write an article for the wall newspaper. 其中的had 為使役動詞,故其后用作賓語補足語的不定式短語to write … 不帶 to。