granting / granted that / admitting that / assuming that / presuming that / provided that等可用作連詞嗎 | |||
作者:陳穆嘉 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2011/12/28 |
granting / granted that / admitting that / assuming that / presuming that / provided that等可用作連詞嗎 編者按:本站網友 shadow 給本站留言如下(http://www.hz123456.com/guestbook/Guest_Reply.asp?TopicID=912): 老師能詳細講講那些已經連詞化的,沒有邏輯主語的非謂語分詞嗎?很多字典都查不到,比如 granting / granted that / admitting that / assuming that / presuming that / provided that。supposing that 似乎也可以suppose that 他們倆沒區別吧? 為此,我們特請本站約作者陳穆嘉老師解答如下:
■granted (that) 用作連詞的用法還是比較“新”的,查手頭的詞典,《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》(第6版)、《劍橋國際英語詞典》、《柯林斯高階英漢雙解詞典》等詞典收錄了其用法,但朗文系列的詞典基本上還沒收錄 (granted that) 用作連詞的用法(包括《朗文當代英語辭典》第4版等)。granted (that) 用作連詞有三個用法,一是表示假設,二是表示讓步,三是表示原因。如: Granted this is true, you are still in the wrong. 這話即使真實,你仍然是錯的。(摘自《薄冰高級英語語法》) Granted (that) the story's true, what are you going to do about it? 假若這個報道是真的,你將采取什么行動呢?(摘自《劍橋高級英語詞典》) Granted that it is a simple test to perform, it should be easy to get results quickly. 因為這化驗做起來簡單,所以應該不難很快得出結果。(摘自《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》第6版) ■granting (that) 用作連詞的用法還很少見,查手頭的詞典基本上查不到。 ■admitting that 用作連詞的用法也很少見,詞典基本上沒有收錄,但有的語法上有所說明。如: Admitting that he is naturally clever, we do not think he will make much improvement. as he pays no attention to his lessons. 他即使天資聰穎,我們也不認為他會有多大長進,因為他對功課不上心。(摘自《薄冰高級英語語法》) ■assuming that 用作連詞時,主要表示假設。如: Assuming your calculations are correct, we should travel northeast. 如果你的計算是對的,我們就該往東北方向走。(摘自《麥克米倫高階英語詞典》) These two basic factors must continue to apply in the future, assuming that the country remains peaceful and politically stable. 假定這個國家仍舊太平并保持政治上的穩定,那么這兩個基本因素必會在將來繼續起作用。(摘自《柯林斯英語語法系列——連詞》) ■presuming that 查《麥克米倫高階英語詞典》、《朗文當代英語詞典》第4版、《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》第4版、《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》第6版、《柯林斯高級英語詞典》等手頭10多本英語詞典,均未查到presuming that用作連詞的用法。 ■provided that 用作連詞時,主要表示假設(引導條件狀語從句)。如: She will go provided her friends can go also. 如果她的朋友們也能去,她也會去。(摘自《張道真英語語法》) You may go, provided your homework is done. 你只要做完家庭作業就可以走。(摘自《美國傳統英漢雙解學習詞典》) We will go to the beach today provided that it doesn’t rain. 如果不下雨我們今天就去海濱。(摘自《當代美國英語學習詞典》) You can camp here provided you leave no mess. 你們如果保持整潔的話,可以在這里宿營。(摘自《牛津實用英語語法》第4版) 注:providing (that) 也可用作連詞,引導條件狀語從句。如: He may go with us provided [providing] he arrives in time. 他若及時到,就可以和我們一起走。(摘自《柯林斯英語語法系列——冠詞》) You can borrow my bike providing / provided you bring it back. 你可以借我的自行車,只要你還給我。(摘自《牛津英語用法指南) I will agree to go provided / providing (that) my expenses are paid. 假如為我負擔費用, 我就同意去。(摘自《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》1989年第4版) I will stay here provided [providing] the climate agrees with me. 如果這里的氣候合適的話,我就待下來。(摘自《詳解英文法》) ■supposing that 和suppose that 都可用作連詞,引導條件狀語從句,但此時它們相應的主句通常是疑問句。如: Suppose [Supposing] (that) we miss the train, what shall we do? 假如我們誤了火車,我們將怎么辦?(摘自《朗文英語語法》) Suppose [Supposing] you had ten million dollars, what would you like to do first? 假設你有一千萬美金,你會先做什么? (摘自《詳解英文法》) 引用地址: |
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