◆Ignominy, Want, Despair and Madness have, collectively or separately, been the attendants of my career.
◆The handsome houses on the street to the college were not fully awake, but they looked very friendly.
◆The unrehabilitated houses, bowed down, it would seem, under the great weight of frustration they contain.
◆The operation is over. On the table, the knife lies spent, on its side, the bloody meal smear-dried upon its flanks. The knife rests.
◆What’s most tragic about Jackson’s death is that what people will remember about him is his changing face. What they should remember: the way he changed the face of pop music.
◆Only the champion daisy trees were serene. After all, they were part of a rain forest already two thousand years old and scheduled for eternity, so they ignored the men and continued to rock the diamondbacks that slept in their arms. It took the river to persuade them that indeed the world was altered.
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