所謂“非特指”,它是與“特指”相對而言的。大家知道,定冠詞的最主要用法是表“特指”,而不定冠詞的是最主要用法就是表“非特指”。不定冠詞表非特指時,其意相當于a certain。如:
Then an idea came to me. 這時我產生一個想法。
A man stepped out from behind the wall. 一個人從墻后走出來。
There’s a lion escaped from the zoo. 有一頭獅子從動物園逃跑了。
She picked up a magazine and began to read. 她拿起一本雜志開始看起來。
有時為了強調其非特指性,可以直接使用a certain。如:
It is said that for a certain period of his life he lived on vinegar and potatoes in order to keep thin. 據說他曾有一段時期為了不發胖靠吃馬鈴薯和酸醋過日子。