以 –ly 結尾的形容 | |||
作者:LL+D150 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2012/8/22 |
以 –ly 結尾的形容 許多人認為以 –ly 結尾的詞一定是副詞,但事實上并不一定。英語中有些以 –ly 結尾的詞卻是形容詞(或至少它可以用作形容詞)。這主要有以下幾類: 第一類 在friend, brother, woman等詞后加上后綴-ly,通常是形容詞,而不是副詞,其意義為“具有那種本性或本質的”,這類詞常見的有:beastly, brotherly, cowardly, earthly, fatherly, friendly, unfriendly, gentlemanly, heavenly, leisurely, manly, masterly, motherly, princely, queenly, kingly, lovely, scholarly, sisterly, womanly等。 如: What beastly weather! 多么惡劣的天氣! Susan is a friendly girl. 蘇珊是一個很友好的女孩。 It is cowardly of you not to admit your mistake. 你不承認錯誤就不是好樣兒的。 He has a very brotherly manner towards the little boys. 他像哥哥一樣對待那些小男孩。 No earthly sovereign can do what he pleases. 沒有一個世間君王可以為所欲為。 Let me give you a little fatherly advice. 讓我謹向你提些慈父般的勸告吧。 Tom is very unfriendly to me as well. 湯姆對我也很不友善。 He looks very manly in his uniform. 他穿著制服十分精神。 This is a masterly piece of work. 這是一件杰作。 We spent a heavenly day at the beach. 我們在海濱痛痛快快地玩了一天。 He offered us a princely sum for it. 他慷慨出資要將它買下。 The group tour the museum at a leisurely pace. 這個旅游團悠閑地參觀這個博物館。 Her motherly kindness attaches us all to her. 她像母親一般仁慈,我們大家都很依戀她。 Englishmen were regarded as the most gentlemanly people in the world. 英國男子曾被認為是世界上最有紳士風度的人。 The sceptre is an attribute of kingly power. 節杖是國王權力的象徵。 The squirrel is a lovely small animal. 松鼠是一種可愛的小動物。 She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the dark street. 她順著黑暗的街道走去,顯出利落勻稱的身材,邁著端莊的女人的步子。 第二類 在hour, day等表示時間的名詞詞后若加上詞毛-ly,也可用作形容詞(此時也可用作副詞),其意為“每……”,這類詞比較常見的有:hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, biweekly, bimonthly等。例如: The trains leave at hourly intervals. 列車每隔一小時開出一趟。(hourly為形容詞) We are expecting news hourly. 我們時刻期待著消息。(hourly為副詞) Take two of the tablets three times daily before meals. 每日三次,每次兩片,飯前服用。(daily為副詞) The news was blazed all over the daily papers. 所有日報都刊登了這條消息。(daily為形容詞) We will pay for houses by monthly instalments. 我們將按月分期付款買房。(monthly為形容詞) 引用地址: |
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