2013政府工作報告全文(英漢對照) | |||
作者:佚名 文章來源:新華社 點擊數: 更新時間:2013/3/19 |
三是毫不放松地抓好“三農”工作,鞏固和加強農業基礎地位。我們堅持在工業化、信息化、城鎮化深入發展中同步推進農業現代化,集中力量辦成了一些關系農業農村長遠發展、關系農民切身利益的大事。加大財政投入,中央財政“三農”累計支出4.47萬億元,年均增長23.5%。建立健全種糧農民補貼制度和主產區利益補償機制,補貼標準逐年提高,覆蓋范圍不斷擴大,補貼資金從2007年的639億元增加到2012年的1923億元。加強農村金融服務,涉農貸款余額從2007年末的6.12萬億元增加到2012年末的17.63萬億元。實行糧食最低收購價政策,小麥、稻谷最低收購價累計提高41.7%到86.7%。加強耕地保護,維護農民權益,為完善農村集體土地征收補償制度做了大量準備工作。加快推進農業科技進步和現代農業建設,加大對良種繁育、動植物疫病防控、基層農技推廣的支持力度。大力興修水利,開展農村土地整治,建設高標準農田,耕地面積保持在18.2億畝以上。糧食綜合生產能力躍上新臺階,糧食總產量連續6年穩定在萬億斤以上并逐年增加。加強農村水電路氣等基礎設施建設,新建改建農村公路146.5萬公里,改造農村危房1033萬戶,解決了3億多農村人口的飲水安全和無電區445萬人的用電問題,農村生產生活條件不斷改善。積極引導農村富余勞動力轉向非農產業,農民人均純收入持續較快增長,2010年以來城鄉居民相對收入差距逐步縮小。深化農村綜合改革。集體林權制度主體改革基本完成,全面推進農村集體土地確權頒證工作,開展農村土地承包經營權登記試點。農業農村發展的好形勢,為應對國際金融危機和各種自然災害嚴重沖擊、穩定經濟社會發展大局提供了重要支撐。 3. Unremittingly doing our work related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers well, and consolidating and strengthening the position of agriculture as the foundation of the economy We carried out agricultural modernization while deepening industrialization, application of information and communication technologies (ICT), and urbanization, and we pooled resources to accomplish a number of major tasks that are important to the long-term development of agriculture and rural areas and to the vital interests of farmers. — We increased central government spending on agriculture, rural areas and farmers, which totaled 4.47 trillion yuan for the past five years and rose by an average annual rate of 23.5%. — We established a sound system for subsidizing grain farmers and a sound mechanism for subsidizing major grain-producing areas, broadened the coverage of the subsidies, and raised them every year, from 63.9 billion yuan in 2007 to 192.3 billion yuan in 2012. — We provided more rural financial services, and the outstanding balance of bank loans to agriculture, rural areas and farmers increased from 6.12 trillion yuan at the end of 2007 to 17.63 trillion yuan at the end of 2012. — We carried out the policy of minimum grain purchase prices and raised the floor prices for wheat and rice between 41.7% and 86.7%. — We intensified protection of farmland and farmers’ rights and interests, and made a lot of preparations to improve the system of compensating for expropriation of rural collective land. — We made greater progress in agricultural science and technology and the development of modern agriculture, and we increased support for cultivating superior varieties and breeds, preventing and controlling animal and plant epidemics, and spreading agricultural technology in villages. — We built more water conservancy projects, improved rural land, developed high-grade farmland, and kept the country’s total area of farmland over 121.3 million hectares. — Thanks to these efforts, — We strengthened rural infrastructure such as roads and water, power and methane supply capacity. We built or upgraded 1.465 million kilometers of rural roads, renovated run-down houses for 10.33 million rural households, provided safe drinking water for an additional 300 million plus rural residents, and delivered electricity to 4.45 million people in areas without power supply. This led to steady improvement in rural productivity and quality of life. — We encouraged surplus rural workers to find nonagricultural employment. The per capita net income of rural residents grew rapidly, and the relative income gap between urban and rural residents has progressively narrowed since 2010. — We deepened overall rural reform. — We basically completed the main tasks for reforming the collective forest tenure system, made comprehensive progress in determining, registering and certifying collective land ownership, and carried out trials for registering contracted rural land-use rights. Sound agricultural and rural development provided important support for 上一頁 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] ... 下一頁 >> 引用地址: |
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