8. Effectively strengthening governance and deepening reform of the administrative system
We proceeded with the reform of government agencies and put in place the basic institutional framework for establishing larger government departments that integrate the functions smaller ones had performed. We always observed the following basic norms in exercising governance: making policy decisions scientifically and democratically, conducting administration in accordance with the law, promoting transparency in government operations, improving the oversight system and upholding integrity. We adopted new measures and made new progress in exercising government power according to due procedures and in building a service-oriented, accountable, law-based and clean government. We took the following steps to improve government decision-making procedures: making policy decisions scientifically and democratically in accordance with the law; soliciting opinions from the public; and conducting expert evaluation, risk assessment, legality review, and collective discussion.
We deepened reform of the system of review and approval by government bodies and eliminated or streamlined 498 items requiring such review and approval in two stages over the past five years. Departments of the State Council eliminated or streamlined 2,497 items requiring their review and approval, 69.3% of the original total.
We took major steps to increase transparency in government operations, with the focus on government budgets and final accounts, as well as on expenditures for official hospitality, purchase and use of official cars, and overseas trips for official purposes. This made it possible for the people to learn more about how the government functions, and thus more effectively oversee its operations.
Auditing oversight was intensified and became more effective. We comprehensively intensified efforts to fight corruption and build a clean government, and strengthened oversight and supervision of leading officials to ensure that they maintain personal integrity and are self-disciplined. We took steps to put in place a system of performance-based management of government officials, established and earnestly enforced the system of governance accountability focusing on leading government officials, and improved efficiency in governance.
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