during the night與in the night的區別 | |||
作者:陳根花 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2013/9/26 |
during the night與in the night的區別
有朋友在本站“答疑中心”詢問 during the night 與 in the night 的用法區別。問題見: www.hz123456.com/guestbook/Guest_Reply.asp?TopicID=1772 該問題由本站特約作者及專家顧問陳根花老師回答如下: ■in the night 和 during the night的基本用法說明 in the night 和 during the night 均表示“夜間”“夜里”,指在夜間或夜里某個時間發生的某件事情,兩者常可換用。如: Burglars got into the office in the night (during the night). 竊賊夜里闖入了辦公室。 The car windscreen frosted over in the night (during the night). 汽車的擋風玻璃在夜間結了霜。 Stephen checked on her several times in the night (during the night). 斯蒂芬夜里起來看了她好幾遍。 The tyres on his car had been let down in the night (during the night). 晚上有人把他的汽車輪胎放了氣。 The rain on the roads had changed to ice in the night (during the night). 路上積的雨水在夜間結成了冰。 I woke up in the night (during the night) in a cold sweat worrying about the exam. 半夜里我驚醒過來,為考試的事急得直冒冷汗。 《柯林斯高級英語用法詞典》對于兩者的區別是這樣說的:It is more common to use “in” in sentences like these. If you use “during”, you are usually emphasizing that you are not sure of the exact time when something happened.(在類似的句子里,in 用得普遍一些。如果用 during,一般是強調對事情發生的準確時間沒有把握。) ■關于 in the night 和 during the night 表示時間點與時間段 in the night 和 during the night 主要表示“時間點”(見上面的例子),很少表示“時間段”。但盡管很少表示“時間段”,仍然可找到這樣的例子。如: They work during the night and sleep by day. 他們夜間工作,白天睡覺。——摘自《劍橋高級英語詞典》 People sleep in the night and work in the day. 人們在夜里睡覺,在白天工作。——摘自《新時代英語慣用法詞典》 ■有關in the night 和 during the night的一點用法補充 1. in the night 和 during the night均主要用于特指,即特指某個晚上的“夜里”——可能是“昨天夜里”,也可能是“過去某一天的夜里”,有時甚至可能是“將來某一天的夜里”。如: I’m exhausted. The baby woke up three times in the night. 我累壞了。孩子昨天夜里醒了三次。——摘自《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》 注:根據 I’m exhausted 用的一般現在時可知,后面的 in the night 是指昨天夜里。 It rained all Monday but stopped raining during the night. 星期一整天都在下雨,但夜里雨停了。——摘自《牛津實用英語語法》 注:during the night 指過去特定某一天(即星期一)的夜里。 There had been reports that a motorized division had crossed the border during the night. 有消息說,機動師頭天夜里已越過邊界線。——摘自《柯林斯高級英語用法詞典》 注:during the night 指過去特定某一天的夜里。 During the night you’ll no doubt be enjoying the carnival atmosphere. 在晚上你毫無疑問會感受到狂歡節的氣氛。——摘自《柯林斯高級英語用法詞典》 注:during the night 指將來某一天的(也可能就是今天的)夜里。 2. 但有時也可見到 in the night 和 during the night 用于非特指的情況(比較少見)。如: I always slept by the phone in case he rang during the night. 我總是睡在電話機旁邊,惟恐他夜間打電話來。——摘自《牛津實用英語語法》 An earthquake comes like a thief in the night, without warning. 地震就像夜間的小偷,不打招呼就來了。——摘自《新概念英語》(第四冊) ■關于in night 英語可以說 at night, by night, before night 等,但習慣上不說 in night。如: Tigers are active mainly at night. 老虎主要在夜間活動。 He works in an office by day and drives a taxi by night. 他白天在辦公室工作,晚上開計程車。 Dusk is the time before night when it is not yet dark. 黃昏就是指夜幕來臨之前天還沒黑的那段時間。 引用地址: |
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