“介詞+which+名詞”引導的定語從句 | |||
作者:陳根花 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2013-10-15 |
有朋友在本站“答疑中心”留言詢問有關“介詞+which+名詞”引導的定語從句的題。參見: www.hz123456.com/guestbook/Guest_Reply.asp?TopicID=1853 該問題由本站特約作者及專家顧問陳根花老師回答如下: ■如何理解“介詞+which+名詞”中的which“介詞+which+名詞”引導定語從句時,其中的 which 含有 this 和 that 的意思。如: We arrived at noon, by which time the demonstration was over.= We arrived at noon, and by that time the demonstration was over. 我們是中午到的,這時游行業已結束。 I may have to work late, in which case I’ll telephone. = I may have to work late, and in that case I’ll telephone. 我可能得晚點下班,那樣我會打電話的。 ■“介詞+which+名詞”中的“名詞”可以省略嗎 “介詞+which+名詞”結構之所以要在which后加上一個適當的名詞,其目的有二: 一是為了使句意更明確。如: He lost his temper, at which point I decided to go home. 他發脾氣了,這時我就決定回家了。(此句摘自《牛津英語用法指南》;句中之所以在 which 后帶上名詞 point,是為了使句意明確,如去掉 point 而只說 at which,意思顯然會受到影響) The questions were all on opera, about which subject I know nothing. 那些問題都是關于歌劇的,我對歌劇一無所知。(此句摘自《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》;句中之所以在 which 后帶上名詞 subject,是為了使句意明確,如去掉 subject 而只說 at which,意思顯然會有所變化) 二是為了強調(即:如果意思明確仍帶上“名詞”的話,是為了強調所帶名詞)。如: The picking of the fruit, for which work they receive no money, takes about a week. 采摘水果這項工作沒有工資,大約要花1周的時間。(此句摘自《劍橋高級英語詞典》;句中 which 后面的名詞 work 完全可以刪除,而且不影響意思的表達,帶上名詞 work 是為了強調) It was derived from Posidonius, for which reason much of its information may well have been out-of date. 它源于鮑森杜尼爾斯。由于這個原因,它的大部分信息很可能已經過時。(此處摘自柯林斯英語語法系列《限定詞及數量詞》;句中 which 后面的名詞 reason 完全可以刪除,而且不影響意思的表達,帶上名詞 reason 完全是為了強調) ■涉及“介詞+which+名詞”的試題分析(一) 對于你在問題提出的以下試題,分析如下: They stayed with me for three weeks, _____ they drank all the wine I had. A. which B. which time C. during which D. during which time 就這道而言,很顯然 D 是命題者設定的最佳答案,但 C 也不能算是錯誤答案。此句在which 后加上名詞 time,主要是為了強調,沒有它句子完全成立。如以下各句的 during which 后就沒有名詞 time: August and September are the months of the year, during which most English people take their holidays. 一年中8月和9月是大多數英國人休假的月份。(摘自王文昌主編的《英語搭配詞典》) a night during which you do not get much rest (摘自《麥克米倫高階美語詞典》night詞條) …for all the hours of a week during which it is usual for people to work, study etc.(摘自摘自《朗文當代英語辭典》) ■涉及“介詞+which+名詞”的試題分析(二) 對于你在問題提出的另一試題,分析如下: Suzhou, ______we spent last spring,is one of the most beautiful cities in China. A. where B.that C. which D. in which 此題的選項 A 顯然是正確的,但我認為 D 也是對的。如果把 D 改為 in which city,也是對的(但這是比較強調的用法)。 順便說一句,上面這句最好不要改為限制性定語從句,因為專有名詞前原則上是不用限制性定語從句修飾的(除非所修飾的專有名詞不止一個,你用限制性定語從句修飾它是為了將它與其他的區分開來)。如: I want the Mr Smith who signed this letter. 我要找在這封信上簽名的那位史密斯先生。(摘自《牛津實用英語語法》) 比較:I met Mr. Smith, who told me the news. 我遇見了史密斯先生,他告訴了我這個消息。 引用地址: |
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