as do I 與 as I do(我也一樣) | |||
作者:陳根花 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2013/10/29 |
as do I 與 as I do(我也一樣)
有朋友在本站“答疑中心”詢問:表示“……也一樣……”時,英語通常用 so do I 這類表達,英語能否用 as do I 呢?進一步的問題是這類倒裝適用于主語是代詞的情況嗎?問題見: www.hz123456.com/guestbook/Guest_Reply.asp?TopicID=2066 該問題由本站特約作者及專家顧問陳根花老師回答如下:
前一陣子外出了,在QQ上收到英語語法網站長陳先生的留言,說是希望能幫忙找一個“權威”的例句,證明 as do I 是對的。今天剛回長沙,于是開始查找,還真查到了一個相關的說明。現摘錄如下(重點注意加粗部分): A third group can be characterized as words that link content across clauses – not only, neither, nor, so, and as, all of which arc shown in (55). The clauses in (55b), (55c), and (55d) of course involve ellipsis as well as inversion, so that, for example, (55c) corresponds to and we can do it (, too). For many native speakers, inversion after as is no longer obligatory, at least with the auxiliary do, as illustrated in (55d). (55) a. Not only am I unhappy with his behavior, but I frankly just don't understand it. b. A: I don't understand why she reacted that way. B. Neither do I. / Nor do we. c. She can do it, and so can we. d. He believes firmly in the goals of the project, as do I (inverted) / as I do (uninverted). 以上內容摘自劍橋大學出版社出版的《教師英語語法》(The Teacher's Grammar of English)。很顯然這應該算是權威的,我們從其中的用法說明以及例句可以得出以下結論: 1. 這類倒裝完全適用于主語是代詞的情況。 2. 這類倒裝還是非強制性的,即可以倒裝也可以不倒裝。 非常有趣,原來英語語法網的答疑中心并不怎么熱鬧,出差了一陣子沒有來語法網,一下子就這么熱鬧了,有這么多朋友參與討論,很是高興。同時看到了站長先生的“感恩”貼,挺感動的,看得出站長先生的話是發自內心,支持,支持!再忙也會抽空來語法網逛逛! 祝英語語法網越辦越好! 引用地址: |
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