doubtless是形容詞還是副詞 | |||
作者:admin 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2014/3/27 |
doubtless是形容詞還是副詞 (摘自《第二課堂》) 一、基本規律 大家知道,英語中的后綴-less通常用于構成形容詞,其相應的副詞則是-lessly。如: 1. aimless—aimlessly After several hours of aimless searching they were getting low on fuel. 在幾個小時漫無目的的搜尋之后,他們快沒燃料了。 They wandered aimlessly around the town. 他們在城里無目的地閑逛。 2. careless—carelessly It was careless of him to leave the door unlocked. 他忘了鎖門,真是粗心大意。 She was fined £100 for driving carelessly. 她因開車違章,被罰款100英鎊。 3. effortless—effortlessly I went up the steps in two effortless bounds. 我沒費一點力氣,兩下就跳上了臺階。 There is so much information you can almost effortlessly find the facts for yourself. 資料這么多,你幾乎可以毫不費力地找到事實真相。 4. endless—endlessly There seemed to be an endless supply of food at the meeting. 會議上好像不斷地有食物供應。 He was endlessly kind and patient with children. 他對孩子們總是非常好,很有耐心。 5. fearless—fearlessly She was fearless in her attacks on public figures. 她對公眾人物進行大膽攻擊。 They fought fearlessly against the invading armies. 他們無畏地與侵略軍作戰。 6. fruitless—fruitlessly After months of fruitless inquiry we finally discovered the truth. 經過幾個月毫無進展的探索,我們終于發現了事情的真相。 Four years of negotiation ended fruitlessly last December. 歷時4 年的談判在去年 12 月無果而終。 7. harmless—harmlessly Taken in small doses, this drug is completely harmless. 小劑量服用這種藥是完全無害的。 Another missile exploded harmlessly outside the town. 又一枚導彈在城外爆炸,沒有造成任何傷害。 8. hopeless—hopelessly The economic crisis makes jobs almost impossible to find and even able pupils feel hopeless about job prospects. 經濟危機使得找到工作幾乎成為不可能,就連能力出眾的學生都對工作前景不抱希望。 I know that if I start watching a soap opera I immediately become hopelessly addicted. 我知道,要是我一開始看肥皂劇,我很快就會無可救藥地上癮。 9. restlessly—restlessly After listening to him for three hours the audience became restless. 在聽他講了三個小時之后,聽眾開始變得不耐煩了。 He paced up and down restlessly, trying to put his thoughts in order. 他坐立不安地走來走去,盡力想理清思緒。 10. selfless—selflessly She will be remembered for her selfless devotion to the cause of the poor. 人們會記住她對扶貧事業的無私奉獻。 I’ve never known anyone who cared so selflessly about children. 我從未見過如此無私地關心孩子的人。 11. thoughtless—thoughtlessly It was thoughtless of you to forget your sister’s birthday. 你太疏忽了,連自己妹妹的生日也給忘了。 Nobody is perfect, and everyone acts thoughtlessly on occasion. 人無完人,誰都難保不偶爾疏忽一次。 12. useless—uselessly It’s useless trying to convince her (that) she doesn’t need to lose any weight. 要讓她相信她無需減肥是徒勞的。 Uselessly, he checked the same pockets he’d checked before. 他把先前檢查過的那些口袋又查了一遍,毫無收獲。 |
文章錄入:admin 責任編輯:admin | |||
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