enjoy: 一個詞義模糊的動詞 | |||
作者:劉永科 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2014/4/25 |
第四,enjoy的主語一般為“人”,但也可以為“物”。這時,enjoy的意思是“有,擁有,享有”之意。以下例句,enjoy的上述意思不必譯出,真是“只可體味,不可言傳”。例如: That book enjoyed large sales.那本書的銷量很大。 Speaking of Folk music is currently enjoying a renaissance.民間音樂現在又時興起來了。 The oil market is enjoying a boom.石油市場欣欣向榮。 The auto fair held at Jinbao Weifang enjoyed a boom rarely seen in the last few month.在濰坊金寶舉行的這次汽車展銷會,出現了幾個月來車市難見的火爆態勢。 With numerous narrow waterways covering the town, Suzhou enjoys a fame as the “Oriental Venice”.蘇州城內因水道遍布,而享有“東方威尼斯”之美譽。 Her music enjoyed a short currency. 她的音樂盛行了很短一陣子。 一般來說,enjoy作為及物動詞,后面總是會帶一個賓語;可以接名詞,代詞,反身代詞或動名詞,可用于被動結構。但不能接不定式或賓語從句。 但是,有時候enjoy的兩種基本意思不一定翻譯出來。只需要根據句子的意思,靈活處理。例如: We all enjoyed a turn in the park before dinner.我們晚飯之前在公園兜了一圈,大家都感到很愉快。 I've never enjoyed a dance so much.我從來沒有跳舞跳得這么高興過。 We enjoyed a spotlessly clean record.我們的記錄無懈可擊。 She enjoyed a glorious 40-year career on the stage.她度過了40年輝煌的舞臺生涯。 She sat in the garden enjoying the sunshine.她坐在花園里曬太陽。 You should be out of doors enjoying the fresh air.你應該到室外呼吸一下新鮮空氣。 I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.我希望我們相處得很愉快。 Hello. How are you enjoying New injury does not prevent him from enjoying life.新的傷殘阻止不了他對人生的樂趣。 Her grandfather was enjoying himself over the fire.她外祖父正在火旁陶然獨樂。 His familiarity with the language helped him enjoy his stay.他通曉這種語言,所以逗留期間過得很愜意。 I hope you will enjoy your holiday.祝你假期玩得愉快。 引用地址: |
文章錄入:劉永科 責任編輯:admin | |||
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