表示“舍去”概念的rather than | |||
作者:劉永科 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2014/4/25 |
They aim at quality rather than quantity.他們的目的在于提高質量而不是增加數量。 I prefer to use oil paints rather than watercolors.我比較喜歡用油畫法而不是水彩畫法。 I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos. 我寧愿觀賞居住在自然棲息地里的動物,而不愿看關在動物園里的動物。 He lay rather than sat in his armchair.他躺在扶手椅里而不是坐在里面。 I'll go to meet him rather than wait for him.我要去找他而不是等他來。 That's why you asked me rather than anyone else.這就是你為什么來請教我而沒有請教其他任何人的原因吧。 It is my business rather than yours.這是我的事,與你無關。 Rather than travel by car, I'd prefer to walk.與其乘汽車旅行,我寧可走路。 The present market is worse rather than better.目前的市場不見好轉,反而進一步惡化了。 Some men on their own will live out of tins rather than cook meals for themselves. 一些獨居的男人寧肯靠罐頭食品過日子,也不愿自己燒飯吃。 What made you choose the one rather than the other?你怎么選了這個而不是那個? She prefers to act rather than direct.她寧愿當演員,不愿當導演。 I would resign rather than defend it again.我寧肯辭職不干,也不愿再為它辯護了。 I would resign rather than accept him as a partner.我寧可辭職也不愿接受他為合伙人。 I'd prefer to go in summer rather than in winter.我寧愿夏天去,而不愿冬天去。 I'd ride a bicycle rather than take a bus.我愿意騎自行車而不愿意坐公共汽車。 The darkness increased rather than diminished.黑暗不僅沒有消散,反而格外濃重了。 They obeyed him out of fear rather than respect.他們聽從他的命令是出于害怕而并非尊敬。 They prefer to go with us rather than stay at home.他們寧可和我們一起去也不愿意待在家里。 We should check up rather than accept what he says.與其聽他說的,不如我們核實一下。 He insisted on staying rather than go.他堅持要留下來,而不愿意去。 He is a writer rather than a teacher.與其說他是教師,不如說他是作家。 I choose to stay at home rather than go fishing.我情愿呆在家而不出去釣魚。 He is to be pitied rather than to be disliked.他應該得到憐憫而不是厭惡。 I have a preference for coffee rather than tea.我愛喝咖啡,不愿喝茶。 You rather than I are going to go camping.是你而不是我要去要野營。 He was a child rather than an adult.與其說他是個成人,不如說他是個孩子。 Rather than see the film, I prefer to watch TV.我寧愿看電視也不看電影。 He would die rather than give up smoking.他寧死也不愿戒煙。 He would listen to others rather than talk himself.他寧愿聽別人談而不愿自己說。 I prefer to read rather than watch television.我寧愿看書,也不愿意看電視。 She looks like her father rather than her mother.她看起來更像她父親,而不是她母親。 It was a statement rather than a question.她的話聽上去更像是表述而不是提問。 These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.這雙鞋不好看,但是舒服。 引用地址: |
文章錄入:劉永科 責任編輯:admin | |||
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