this, that, these, those作為限定詞的用法
■山東 羅 芳
作限定詞時,this和that用于單數名詞詞組中,名詞詞組既可以是可數的也可以是不可數的。 These和those要用于復數名詞詞組中。例如:
Whoever had come up with this idea deserved a medal. 無論是何人提出這個主意都該獲得獎牌。
But what happens when all this money is used up? 但當這些錢用完以后會發生什么事呢?
I hope to enjoy that feeling again before too long. 我希望過不了太久會重新享受那種感覺。
Someone put that book there after the murder, to make it look as if he’d been reading when he was killed. 有人在謀殺他之后把那本書放在那里以造成他在讀書時被殺的印象。
These chairs have the great advantage of being much cheaper than conventional ones. 這個椅子具有比普通椅子便宜得多的優勢。
You think if those people still have him they’ll keep him alive. 如果他還在那些人的手里,你認為他們會留他一條活路嗎?