needn’t have done與didn’t need to do用法區別
needn’t have done 主要表示某事已經做了,但后來覺得沒必要去做,因此常含有責備或遺憾之意;didn’t need to do 則不具體表明某事是否做了(即可能做了也可能沒有做,此用法中的need為實意動詞):
I got up early, but I needn’t have done so, because I had no work to do that morning. 我起床起得很早,但我本來不必起那么早的,因為我那天早上沒什么事做。
I didn’t need to get up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 9 am. 今天早上我不必早起,所以我一直睡到上午九點鐘才起床。
I didn’t need to go the office yesterday.
(1) 我昨天無需去那兒。(所以沒去)(=I didn’t have to go there yesterday.)
(2) 我昨天本來不必去那兒的。(但我卻去了)(=I needn’t have gone there yesterday.)