expensive 與 dear的用法區別
1. 兩者都可表示“昂貴的”:expensive 通常指物美價高, 非購買者財力所能及;dear 主要指普通日用品因暫時的供應不足而造成的價格上漲。如:
It is expensive to stay in that hotel. 住那家旅館很貴。
Living in the country is less expensive than in the city. 住在鄉間比住在城里花錢少。
He gives expensive gifts to his family for Christmas. 他給家里人買昂貴的圣誕禮物。
Bananas are very dear this week. 這個星期香蕉很貴。
2. 兩者雖然都表示“貴”,但主要用于說明具體的事物,而不用于說明 price,如“這外套太貴”譯成英語不能是:The price of the coat is too expensive. 可改為:The coat is too expensive. / The price of the coat is too high.