永遠不要懷疑自己/Never Doubt Yourself | |||
作者:MLYW 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2015/12/28 |
永遠不要懷疑自己 Never Doubt Yourself If I would leave any thought with someone, I would say, “Never doubt yourself.” No matter what people say, no matter what you may think sometimes, never doubt yourself. If you believe in yourself, you will succeed far more than you will fail. He who possesses a quiet kind of faith in his ability to perform a task already has the task half completed. Believe yourself despite setbacks, despite the seemingly immoveable obstacles, despite the cold and dark, despite the sadness and pain, and eventually your faith will come to fusion, and you will find all those trouble behind you. The simplest thing in the world is to deride ourselves because we made a mistake, to give up and say, ‘I’m no good.’’ But the more difficult thing is to believe in ourselves and constructively active in our life. The greatest error in life is to downgrade ourselves. The most horrible tragedies in life have occurred from a lack of faith in one’s own self and one’s own ability, from a belief that one cannot succeed and that failure is one’s sole lot in life We have more strength than we believe. There is more fight within us than we know, and we are far more potential than we could ever dream of being possible! 【助讀詞匯】 ◇setback n.挫折;失敗 ◇fusion n. 熔化,熔解,熔合,熔接 ◇deride vt. 嘲弄,嘲笑 ◇downgrade vt.使降級,使降職 【參考譯文】 永遠不要懷疑自己 如果讓我留下一些至理名言,我會說:“永遠不要懷疑自己。”不管別人怎么說,不管有時候你怎么想,永遠不要懷疑自己。如果你相信自己,你獲得成功的機會將遠遠高于失敗的可能性。堅信自己有充足的能力完成任務的人,已經成功了一半。 即使面臨挫折,即使遇到看起來不可克服的障礙,即使面對寒冷和黑暗,即使遭遇悲傷與痛苦,你也要相信自己。你的信念終將實現,并且你將發現所有的困難都將被你甩在身后。 世界上最容易的事情就是因為犯錯誤而嘲笑、放棄自己,并說:“我不行!”難的是相信自己,積極地繼續我們的生活。人生最大的錯誤就是貶低自己,生活中最可悲的事情往往歸因于缺乏自信,對自己的能力缺乏信心,總認為自己不能成功,認為失敗就是自己唯一的命運。 我們擁有比想象中更強大的力量,我們的斗志比已知的更多,我們的潛力遠遠超過我們所想象到的程度! 【人生啟迪】 奧格斯特·馮·史勒格說過:“在真實的生命里,每樁偉業都由信心開始,并由信心跨出第一步。”成功的人都是自信的人,有了信心,就有前進的勇氣與力量就有了奮斗的動力,從而能克服重重困難,戰勝失敗與挫折。最終達到成功的彼岸。 |
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