with復合結構用法全歸納(with后接復合賓語) | |||
作者:HWD-GZN 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2016/1/19 |
with復合結構用法全歸納(with后接復合賓語) with后接復合賓語是英語中一種很有用的結構,也是各類考試的一個重要考點,歸納起來該結構主要具有以下幾種類型: 1. with+賓語+形容詞 She was cycling along with her bicycle basket full of shopping. 她騎著自行車,車筐裝滿了買的東西。 The meeting ended on a sour note with neither side able to reach agreement. 雙方未能取得一致意見,會議不歡而散。 The peace talks have ended inconclusively, with neither side prepared to give way on key points. 由于雙方都不愿意在關鍵問題上讓步,和平談判不了了之。 With such excellent studies available for consultation, it should be easy to avoid the pitfalls. 有如此優秀的研究可供參考,避開陷阱應該很容易。 2. with+賓語+副詞 With Richard Migliore aboard, he won the cup at a gallop. 由騎手理查德•米廖雷策騎,它一個快跳贏得了杯賽冠軍。 Stand with your legs apart and your weight evenly distributed. 雙腿分開站立,平均分散身體的重量。 With Habib away, Hassan’s attitude seemed to have changed. 哈比卜不在,哈桑的態度好像有了變化。 I was rushing along with my head down when I cannoned into an old lady walking the other way. 我正一路低頭跑著,突然撞上了一個迎面走來的老婦人。 3. with+賓語+名詞 He died with his daughter yet a schoolgirl. 他去世時,女兒還是個小學生。 With the exams now only a week off, I had to study hard. Christmas seemed a long way off. 4. with+賓語+介詞短語 The front door closed with a crash behind him. 前門在他身后砰的一聲關上了。 With help from a parent, a child can do simple cooking. 在家長的幫助下,孩子可以做一些簡單的飯菜。 The girl appeared again, now with a little baby on her back. 那女孩又來了,這次背上背了一個小嬰孩。 With so many strange faces around her, the baby started to cry. 看到周圍有這么多的陌生面孔,嬰兒開始哭了起來。 5. with+賓語+現在分詞(短語) With exams approaching, it's a good idea to review your class notes. 隨著考試的臨近,復習一下你的課堂筆記是個不錯的主意。 With the crowds cheering, the royal party drove to the palace. 在人群的歡呼聲中,皇室成員一行驅車到皇宮去。 With the exams coming next week, I have no time for a social life. 下個星期就要考試了,我沒有時參加社交活動。 I cycled off down the road with the dog running behind. 我騎著自行車順著道路行駛,那只狗在后面跟著跑。 6. with+賓語+過去分詞(短語) He stood with knees slightly bent. 他站著,雙膝略略彎曲。 With a knife clenched in/between his teeth, he climbed up the tree to cut some coconuts. 他嘴里緊咬著一把刀,爬上樹去割椰子。 The meeting heard that two workers had been sacked on the spot with no official reason given. 會議得悉有兩個工人在沒人給出正式理由的情況下被當場解雇。 It’s been another black day for the car industry with more job losses announced. 汽車工業又經歷了一個黑暗的日子,許多工廠宣布進一步裁員。 7. with+賓語+不定式(短語) He was a high-earning broker with money to burn. 他是高收入的經紀人,有花不完的錢。 With all this work to do, I won’t have time to go out. 有這么多工作要做,我就沒有時間出去了。 With another 100 metres to go, Jones and Saville are neck and neck. 賽跑還剩 With so many new animals to care for, larger premises were needed. 要照顧這么多的新動物,需要很多更大的房屋及其周圍的土地。 |
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