比較狀語從句中主語的單獨省略初探 | |||
作者:倪肖丁 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2016-08-21 |
3.2 比較從句多為(操作詞+)被動語態。 例如,句(10)More people died of flu in 1919 than were killed in the First World War,從句謂語是被動語態were killed;句(11)The result will be less effective than would be achieved by a teacher in harmony with the unit,從句謂語是包含操作詞would的被動語態。 當然,從句用主動語態的現象雖然少見但也有可能。例如: (18)Statistics show that far more people are able to ride a bicycle than can drive a car. (OALD0) (19)The effects on San Francisco were much less than would've occurred with the same earthquake at a closer distance .(AHGCUS) 以上兩個從句的謂語分別用了主動語態 can drive a car 和 would've occurred。 有的從句只給出了操作詞,語態依上下文語境而定。比如“導語”部分提到的More people hope to live in the countryside than used to. 但無論是被動語態還是主動語態,添補從句主語時所遇到的問題卻是相同的。 句(10)中,than后顯然缺失主語 people,但死于流感的 people 與二戰中喪生的people顯然是兩個不同群體。因此,不能在從句中直接用they。 句(11)中,主句的 result 與教師同團隊和睦協作后取得的 result 顯然不是同一結果,所以才會 less effective。顯然,than 后也不能直接添補代詞it。 句(18)從句中能開車的 people 與主句中能騎車的 people 是兩個不同人群;句(19)中的兩個 effects 也不是同一體。所以,兩個從句中也都不能用 they作主語。 那么 3.1 和 3.2 兩類從句如何添補主語呢?一個簡單的方法是重復使用主句中的名詞或代詞,但須對其作出限定,使其含有定語從句。比如句(16),than 后可填入the temperature that/which;句(17)than 后可重復用 someone or something,后接that;句(18)可填入the people who或those who;句(19)可填入the effects that。 這種改寫嚴謹有余、簡潔不足。所以,CCEG認為:在口語中如果空缺的主語是sth的話,說話者會添補一個what,因為他覺得主語的空缺令人不踏實(find the subject gap uncomfortable)。比如: (20)The audience was more enthusiastic than what was expected. (CCEG) 如果空缺項是sb,理論分析時當然可選用the people who, those who等添補項。但在實際中,主語的添補遠遠不如空缺更自然、更便捷,并且這已成為英語的習慣。何況,有的比較從句即使想要添補主語也十分的困難。比如: (21)There are several influences at work here. One is that more women are now employed in many of these occupations than were formerly.(WDEG) 因為 than 沒有表語,使得僅僅添補主語幾乎沒有可能。 本文導語中列出的含有used to的從句也存在類似的問題,例如Fewer people smoke these days than used to。因為few people不是一個特定的人群,因此難以與另一個特定的人群進行對比,即使將其結構補充完整成為Fewer people smoke these days than the people/those who used to,其意思顯然還是錯的。因為原句要對比的其實不是“人”,而是“時間”,所以 than used to相等于than before。只有將其改寫為Fewer people smoke these days than before/than ever/than ever before才能準確表達原句的意思。這種情況下,主語空缺留下模糊空間成為最佳選擇。 另外,有的句子初看像是比較從句主語的省略,其實不然。例如: (22)Spain's financial problems were less acute than were those of Portugal.(CGEU) (23)It is no more expensive than would be the system you are proposing. (CGEL) 句(22)中,從句的表語并非3.1中講到的那幾個常用形容詞,而是名詞;than后也無法添補主語,因為從語境和句義可知,從句的主語實際上就是those of Portugal;句(23)中,than從句的主語也是would be后的the system you are proposing。因此,這兩句的than后都是倒裝結構。還原成陳述語序分別為: ( ( 由than和引導的比較從句也可以采用倒裝語序,但這是另外一個話題。 本人才疏學淺,以上討論僅僅提供一個思考的角度。不當之處,敬請斧正。 |
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