淺談as和than引導的分句定位及主語省略問題(下) | |||
作者:倪肖丁 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2018-02-01 |
3. 補全如下: (1)…than [the things which are] necessary or possible. 或(2)…than(are)necessary or possible. (MEGCI) (3)…than(what is)necessary or possible. 或(4)…than(is)necessary or possible. 其中(1)式為深層結構,其余均為可以呈現的正常結構; (2)由(1)轉換而成,也是MEGCI的原句;(3)是The Cambridge Dictionary of English Grammar和Practical English Usage所采用的(填補gap的)手段,主要用于非正式文體;(4)由(3)轉換而成。但因主句中more things的吸引,多采用就近一致原則,因此 (2)比(3)更常見。 例二:Teachers, parents, and students all need access to better information about colleges and careers than ( ) commonly available. 本例的思路和方法與例一相同。但主句中的比較對象information是不可數名詞,被省略的主語也相應地調整為單數概念。 補全如下: (1)…than [the information which is]commonly available.(深層結構) (2)…than(what is)commonly available. (3)…than(is)commonly available.(LDOCE) 即使比較對象并非主句中的某個名詞,而是一種性質特征的描繪,也同樣可以補全空缺。例如: The audience was more enthusiastic than()expected. = The audience was more enthusiastic than(was)expected. = The audience was more enthusiastic than(what was)expected. (CDEG) =The audience was more enthusiastic than(it was)expected (that they would be enthusiastic). 有時候,同一個省略句可以從不同的角度進行補全改寫,基本意思不變。例如: The girls swam faster than ( ) expected. (1) = The girls swam faster than (it was) expected that they would (do/swim). (2) = The girls swam faster than (was) expected. (CGEL) (3) = The girls swam faster than (they were) expected (to do/swim) (4) = The girls swam faster than (were) expected. 當然,補全改寫(尤其是完整的補全)的只是邏輯上的深層結構,不宜直接轉換成語句的表層結構呈現出來,累贅冗長的結構不符合英語習慣用法。 不可否認的是,有的省略成分的確難以補全。多半是因為我們自己不能勝任的緣故,也可能是語言的長期進化使得最初形式的語句變得面目全非而難以溯源,更重要的是實踐中已經失去了溯源的必要性。支配語言使用的主要是習慣,不能把語言當作邏輯嚴密的數學來學。 引用地址: |
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