介詞 from 后的 wh-從句簡析 | |||
作者:張必成 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數: 更新時間:2019-12-31 |
介詞 from 后的 wh-從句簡析 ■本站專家顧問 張必成(安徽) wh-從句是名詞性從句的重要組成部分,其從句類型判定有時會給我們造成一些困擾,因為這些從句有時帶有疑問含義,有時不帶有疑問含義。現僅就介詞from 后的wh-從句結合現行高中教材及高考真題進行一下簡單分析和歸類。 嚴格說來,帶有疑問含義的wh-從句才為名詞性從句;而不帶有疑問含義的wh-從句則為名詞性關系從句或名詞性定語從句,引導這些名詞性定語從句的詞暗含一個定從的先行詞(比如,where= the place where; when= the time when; why=the reason why)。這些詞常被稱為縮合型關系代詞及縮合型關系副詞,它們主要有what, where, when, why, whatever, whoever, whichever等。 介詞from后面也可以跟一些wh-從句,因為from一般總是表達“起始點,來源,原因,事物差異”等含義,所以其后的從句一般先天具有“確定性”特征,而不具備“疑問含義”。換句話說,通常位于其后面的wh-從句一般總是名詞性定語從句。跟在其后面的wh-詞最常見的有三個:what,where及when。 一、from what形式。這種從句多表達“推理、判斷或陳述依據”,有時from前會有一個與其搭用的某些特殊詞,表達其他含義。這里的what =all/ everything/ the things...that。 1. I inferred from what she said that you have not been well .我從她的話語里推斷你身體一直不太好。(表推斷依據)——《柯林斯高階英漢雙解學習詞典》 2. From what I have been told, you are not getting on well with your work. 據我所知,你的工作不順手。(表推斷依據)——《漢英大詞典》 3. From what I know of him he doesn’t play silly games. 憑我對他的了解,他不會耍滑頭的。(表推斷依據)《柯林斯高階英漢雙解學習詞典》 4. From what I could gather, he was trying to raise money by organising festivals. 據我所知,他想通過舉辦節慶活動來籌款。(表陳述依據)——《柯林斯高階英漢雙解學習詞典》 5. Judging from what they have done these years, they are indeed “ friends ” with an honey tongue and a heart of gall. 從他們這些年的所作所為看來,他們的確是口蜜腹劍的“朋友”。(前帶judging, 依然表推斷依據)——《漢英大詞典》 6. I feel this is getting to be a distraction from what I really want to do. 我覺得這開始讓我無法集中精神做我真正想做的事情了。(from與a distraction連用表distraction的涉及內容)——《柯林斯高階英漢雙解學習詞典》 7. Our village is very different from what it was before. 我們村跟從前大不一樣了。(from與different連用表差異)——《漢英大詞典》 8. By feeling we tell what is hard from what is soft. 憑感觸分辨軟與硬。(from與tell連用表辨識)——《漢英大詞典》 9. Many hair problems result from what you eat. 很多頭發問題都是由飲食引起的。(from與result連用表原因)——《柯林斯高階英漢雙解學習詞典》 10. We found the village very much changed from what it used to be. 我們發現這個村莊的面貌和過去大不相同。(from與change連用表對比)——《英語介詞習語詞典》 二、from where形式。這里的where= the place where。 1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. 首先想到要沿湄公河從源頭到終點騎行的人是我姐姐。——(RJ B1U3) 2. It can be difficult if the only disabled toilet is in the basement a long way from where the film is showing.如果唯一的殘疾人廁所位于地下室,離電影放映的地方很遠,那就很困難了。——(RJ B7U1) 3. I count twelve shades of green from where I stand. 放眼望去,可以分辨出12種深淺不一的綠色色調。(2019全國卷Ⅰ完形) 4. One of her cousins was shot dead only a few streets away from where she lived. 她的一個表親在離她家只有幾條街的地方被槍殺。——(2016江蘇卷Ⅰ閱讀D) 5. The car stopped short only a few inches from where I stand.那汽車終于停了下來,離我站的地方只有幾英寸遠。——《英語常見問題解答大辭典》 6. Pick yourself up from where you fell--correct your mistake where you made it. 在哪兒跌倒就從哪兒爬起來。——《漢英大詞典》 7. She swept up a hat from where it had fallen on the ground, and plunked it on her hair. 她拾起掉在地上的一頂帽子,隨意地往頭上一扣。——《柯林斯高階英漢雙解學習詞典》 三、from when形式。這里的when= the time when。 1.Many people still remember the magic of Father Christmas from when they were children.許多人仍然記得圣誕老人的魔力,從他們還是孩子的時候。 (WY B2U2) 2.To figure out how much power these devices are using,Callie Babbitt and her colleagues at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York tracked the environmental costs for each product throughout its life—from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the device.為了計算出這些設備使用了多少電力,紐約羅切斯特理工學院的Callie Babbitt和她的同事們追蹤了每件產品其生命周期的環境成本——從它的礦物被開采到我們停止使用它。——(2018全國卷Ⅰ閱讀D) 3. A good friend of mine from when I was born showed up at my home right before I left for Beijing. 一個發小就在我動身去北京之前意外地來到我家。——(2009安徽卷--27) 引用地址: |
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