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原來enjoy之后可以接動詞不定式 |
作者:李 翔 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數 更新時間:2010-01-12 文章錄入:lx612800 責任編輯:admin |
3. TIME CORPUS OF AMERICAN ENGLISH (1923-2006) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) (http://corpus.byu.edu/time): 1966/12/02 " What makes a man attractive? " a reporter asked. " If he likes you, " replied Melina. " What makes a woman sexy? " If she enjoys to make love. " 1974/06/03 Black rule would mean a certain end to the virtual carte blanche that Rhodesian security forces now enjoy to go guerrilla hunting in the Mozambican bush. 1996/09/16 Asked last Wednesday if playing in three competitions might be too much, Hingis, whose game is ahead of her English, replied, " Well, I am young, and, as I say, I enjoy to play tennis. But I will think about to stay overnight here, so I don't have to go back to Manhattan. " 4. BUY CORPUS OF AMERICAN ENGLISH (1990-2008) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University) http://www.americancorpus.org/: 2008 (SPOK)What kind of things do the two of you enjoy to do? 2008 (FIC) She smiled at Colin. " I will enjoy to talk later. " 2007 (FIC) He enjoys to be called Falco and I perceive he is in a state of discomfort. 2004 (SPOK)Well, we always say that it's very French to smoke because French people enjoy to talk, drink and smoke all night if possible. 2004 (FIC) If you fancy that your followers have forsaken you, merely because we once stank our way past them, I'd greatly enjoy to have the writing of your will. 2004 (FIC) I did enjoy to read the same books as they. 2004 (FIC) Americans enjoy to have done for them what a Filipina mother would fix only for children small small. 2004 (FIC) I'd enjoy to have a beagle pup and a glass-top showcase for my arrowheads. 2004 (ACAD) -- With the help of your teacher, choose some music you enjoy to work on during each practice session. 2004(SPOK) He just enjoyed to have fun too much and I don't think he really took time to think about what he wanted to do. 2003 (SPOK)I wanted a story that I thought would be the perfect story, and that the readers would most enjoy to read. 2001(SPOK) And we certainly would enjoy to have as many visitors here as possible. 1999 (ACAD) The purely moral permission, therefore, that, according to Hobbes, each still theoretically enjoys to do as he might wish is valueless. 1997 (FIC) I do not enjoy to speak like child. 1993 (ACAD) Finally, a student is someone who may even enjoy to learn on his own more than anything else. 5. Lingoes(http://www.lingoes.cn) 之“句酷雙語例句”: Chinese: No, no one would behave in such a stupid way now, but all the same, people, especially young people, enjoy to be seen walking about in public talking to mobiles.中:是的,現在再也沒有人那么傻了。 不過人們,尤其是年輕人,還是喜歡在大庭廣眾之中打手機。 We must make use of the favourable conditions we now enjoy to accelerate the growth of our productive forces, improve the people's material and cultural life and broaden their outlook. 我們一定要根據現在的有利條件加速發展生產力,使人民的物質生活好一些,使人民的文化生活、精神面貌好一些。 They all heartily enjoy to have long time no see of moisten of sweet dew.它們都在張著大口,盡情享受著久違的甘露的滋潤。 以上英美語中的真實例證以無可辯駁的事實證明了在目前的英語中enjoy之后接不定式的用法是正確,且不僅僅用于口語或俚語之中。 ■感謝李翔老師對本站的支持和厚愛!本文為本站首發,如有兄弟網站轉載本文,務請注明來源,同時帶上本站的有效鏈接!
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