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為 forbid…from doing sth 正名 |
作者:李 翔 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數 更新時間:2010-05-31 文章錄入:李翔 責任編輯:admin |
為 forbid…from doing sth 正名
本站特約作者 李 翔
在中國人編著的工具書中,明確表示“forbid… from doing sth”不正確的、出版比較早的有:葛傳槼編著《英語慣用法詞典》(新修訂本)(時代出版社 1960年4月修訂再版)p263: forbid 不可接“from”和gerund;如不可說“His health forbids from going。” 另外,主要的還有: 1. 周國珍主編《英語正誤詳解詞典》(復旦大學出版社,2000年1 0月第1版)p305: 【誤】The storm forbade us from proceeding. 【正】The storm forbade us to proceed. 【解釋】表示“禁止”“不準”時,應該是“forbid sb. to do sth”:He forbade the dog to enter the kichen.(他禁止狗進廚房。) 2. 周貞雄編著《大學英語重點詞正誤用法手冊》(中國國際廣播出版社 2002年1 月北京第1版)p193: 我父親不準我用他的車。 × My fatther forbade me from using his car. √ My fatther forbade me to use his car. √My fatther forbade my using his car. 析:記住forbid的三個常用句型:forbid doing sth 不準做某事,forbid sb to do sth不準某人做某事,forbid sb’s doing sth 不準做某人某事。對于forbid sb (from) doing sth這個結構,目前尚有爭議,有的詞書認為可以用,有的詞書認為不可以用,由于近年來還有不少權威考題(如1997年的考研題)還在對此類句型改錯,所以建議考生以不用為宜。(筆者注:1997年的考研改錯題為:Because of recent accidents, our parents forbid my brother and me from swimming in the river unless someone agrees to watch over us. 參考答案認為:from swimming有錯,應改為to swim) 然而,現在這種說法已經不符合英語的實際情況,實際上,早就應該為“forbid…from doing sth”恢復名譽了。不能因為某些所謂的“權威考題”的反對而置事實于不顧。 事實上,比所謂的“權威考題”更權威的牛津、朗文和劍橋詞典已經把forbid…from doing sth收錄其中。請看以下例證: 1. N D Turton and J B Heaton主編的Longman Dictionary of Common Errors(Eleventh impression 2003)p142: √ There should be a law which forbids couples to have / from having more than two children. forbid +sb +to to do / from doing sth: … “Her father ought to forbid her from seeing the boy again.” 2.《朗文當代高級英語辭典》(英英•英漢雙解)(外語教學與研究出版社2004年7月第1版) p755: forbid sb from doing sth Women are forbidden from going out without a veil. 婦女不戴面紗禁止外出。 3. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary): forbid somebody from doing something Women are forbidden from going out without a veil. 4.《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》(第六版)(商務印書館 2004年 8月第2版)p681: He forbade them from mentioning the subject again. 他不準他們再提這個問題。 5.《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》(第七版)(商務印書館 2004年 8月第2版)p794: He forbade them from mentioning the subject again. 他不準他們再提這個問題。 6. Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English的p322: He was forbidden from leaving the country. 7. Judy Pearsall主編The New Oxford Dictionary of English(上海外語教語出版社 2001年4 月第1版)p716: I was forbidden from leaving Russia. 8. Oxford English Dictionary Second Edition on CD-ROM (v.4.0)( Oxford University Press 2009): 1841 Lane Arab. Nts. I. 122 He forbade both men and women from entering them. 9. Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary Third Edition(電子版): He is forbidden from leaving the country. 另外,美國出版的在世界上享有聲譽的詞典也有forbid… from doing sth的例證: 1. Macmillan English Dictionary Second Edition(電子版): Army policy forbids soldiers in uniform from talking to the news media. 2. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage (世界圖書出版公司北京公司重印 1996年12月第1版)P456: The Vatican issued an order forbidding all Catholic clergy from participating in Illich’s center.
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