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1986-1990年考研翻譯題及參考答案 |
作者:佚名 文章來源:轉載 點擊數 更新時間:2007-11-24 文章錄入:admin 責任編輯:admin |
1989年考研翻譯題及參考答案 Section III English-Chinese Translation Translate the following passage into Chinese. Only the underlined sentences are to be translated. (20 points) When Jane Matheson started work at Advanced Electronics Inc. 12 years ago, (21) she laboured over a microscope, hand-welding tiny electronic computers and turned out 18 per hour. Now she tends the computerized machinery that turns out high capacity memory chips at the rate of 2,600 per hour. Production is up, profits are up, her income is up and Mrs. Matheson says the work is far less strain on her eyes. But the most significant effect of the changes at AEI was felt by the workers who are no longer there. Before the new computerized equipment was introduced, there were 940 workers at the plant. Now there are 121. (22) A plant follow-up survey showed that one year after the layoffs only 38% of the released workers found new employment at the same or better wages. Nearly half finally settled for lower pay and more than 13% are still out of work. The AEI example is only one of hundreds around the country which forge intelligently ahead into the latest technology, but leave the majority of their workers behind. (23) Its beginnings obscured by unemployment caused by the world economic slow-down, the new technological unemployment may emerge as the great socio-economic challenge of the end of the 20th century. One corporation economist says the growth of “machine job replacement” has been with us since the beginning of the industrial revolution, but never at the pace it is now. The human costs will be astonishing. (24) “It’s humiliating to be done out of your job by a machine and there is no way to fight back, but it is the effort to find a new job that really hurts. ” Some workers, like Jane Matheson, are retrained to handle the new equipment, but often a whole new set of skills is required and that means a new, and invariably smaller set of workers. (25) The old workers, trapped by their limited skills, often never regain their old status and employment. Many drift into marginal areas. They feel no pride in their new work. They get badly paid for it and they feel miserable, but still they are luckier than those who never find it. (26) The social costs go far beyond the welfare and unemployment payments made by the government. Unemployment increases the chances of divorce, child abuse, and alcoholism, a new federal survey shows. Some experts say the problem is only temporary. . . that new technology will eventually create as many jobs as it destroys. (27) But futurologist Hymen Seymour says the astonishing efficiency of the new technology means there will be a simple and direct net reduction in the amount of human labor that needs to be done. “We should treat this as an opportunity to give people more leisure. It may not be easy, but society will have to reach a new unanimity on the division and distribution of labor,” 21. 她吃力地伏在顯微鏡上干活,手焊體積很小的電子計算機,每小時能焊好18個。 22. 一家工廠的跟蹤調查表明,被解雇的工人中一年后只有38%的人找到了與原工資相等或優于原工資的新工作。 23. 雖然它(新技術的采用導致失業上升)一開始被全球性的經濟衰退所引起的失業所掩蓋,但到20世紀末,新技術所引起的失業問題可能會構成對社會經濟的巨大挑戰。 24. 被一臺機器搶走你的工作是很傷自尊心的,可又沒法還擊,但真正傷我心的是要費很大的勁去尋找新的工作。 25. 老工人由于處于技術掌握得很有限的困境,往往不能重新獲得其原有的地位和就業機會。 26. 要付出的社會代價遠遠超過政府在福利與失業救濟方面的開支。 27. 但是未來學家海曼·西摩說,新技術所具有的驚人效率意味著所需要的勞力將出現一個絕對的和直接的凈減數。 28. 為失業工人提供的由聯邦政府資助的培訓計劃和免費重返學校學習的計劃目前都在實施中,但很少有專家認為這些計劃能跟得上新技術的發展步伐。 |
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