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短語介詞與介詞短語 |
作者:劉青沅 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數 更新時間:2013-03-22 文章錄入:admin 責任編輯:admin |
短語介詞與介詞短語 ■本站特約作者 劉青沅 一、短語介詞 短語介詞即由短語構成的介詞,或更通俗地說,就是指以短語形式呈現的介詞,如according to, because of, in spite of, next to, in front of, ahead of, on behalf of, with reference to等。如: The allocation must be made according to a strict set of criteria. 必須按照一套嚴格的標準進行分配。 The lights were not working because of a short circuit. 因為短路,電燈不亮了。 In spite of her worries, she passed the exam with flying colours. 盡管她有些擔憂,但還是以優異成績通過了考試。 He stole a sidelong glance at the young woman sitting next to him on the train. 在火車上他偷偷地瞟了一眼坐在身旁的年輕女子。 Put your hand in front of your right lens and just look through your left lens. 把你的手放在右邊的鏡片前,只用左邊的鏡片看。 The overall performance rating puts the new model well ahead of its main rivals. 這個新模型的總體性能評定遠遠高于其它主要競爭對手。 I speak on behalf of many thousands of women. 我代表成千上萬的女性發言。 I am writing with reference to your job application. 關于您申請工作一事,現特函回復。 二、介詞短語 介詞短語是指由介詞后接賓語構成的短語,如at the age of 18, under the fence, for the trip, with the bank, without oxygen, in the distance, along a rocky road等。如: He left school at the age of 18. 他18歲時離開了學校。 Rabbits had burrowed under the fence. 兔子在柵欄下面挖洞。 Arrangements for the trip have now been completed. 旅行前的準備工作都已經做好。 The company has a special arrangement with the bank. 這家公司和銀行有特定的協議。 The climbers made their ascent of the mountain without oxygen. 登山者在沒有氧氣的情況下登山。 I was just able to make out a dark figure in the distance. 我只能看到遠處有個黑影。 A back tyre blew after half an hour tearing along a rocky road. 在石頭路上狂奔半個小時后,一個后輪胎爆了。 三、小結 短語介詞仍是介詞,介詞短語乃是短語; 短語介詞是以短語形式呈現的介詞,介詞短語是指以介詞開頭的短語; according to 是短語介詞,但according to the weather report 則是介詞短語; because of是短語介詞,但because of his age則是介詞短語; in spite of是短語介詞,但 in spite of the rain 則是介詞短語; next to是短語介詞,但 next to the shop 則是介詞短語。 |
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