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究竟用One還是 the one? |
作者:李 翔 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數 更新時間:2013-04-30 文章錄入:李翔 責任編輯:admin |
請看,在足夠的語境下,用the one (即用定冠詞)例證(筆者注:由于篇幅原因,省去了大量的語境。由于一般工具書很難查詢,只好借助于英美國家的語料庫。): 1. The CORPUS OF CONTEMPORAY AMERICAN ENGLISH (1990-2012) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University) http://www.americancorpus.org/ : 1991 Over the years she had extended vague invitations to him to come to Los Angeles to visit, never sure what she would do with him if he said yes and showed up, but Nathan Bloom had always declined. Now he was ailing and not long for this world, and the illness had dictated that he move back into a convalescent home, the one toward which her taxi now moved through the bright, sunny Miami Beach day. 1992 She laughed a sweet laugh, the one that always meant I'd pulled her out of it for now 1992 He knows JENNINGS Brit, I - I should probably know this, but are you in the hotel which the president regards as his residence? HUME: I'm not. I'm in a - in a different hotel, the one that's being used for the - what has been hoped for, a victory celebration tonight. 1992 Politicians are often accused of trying to be all things to all people. Some of the successful ones are that and, in his acceptance speech, Governor Clinton appeared to say that. Let me ask you about a particular line, the one in which he said he was for more empowerment and less entitlement. 1992 Jay McInerney (Author): I think "Bonfire" is a great book, but mainly what -- what we share here is a -- is a turf -- Manhattan in the' 80s. Neary: Mm-hmm. McInerney: It's -- essentially I'm writing about a different generation, the one that I started writing about in 1984 with my first book, long before "Bonfire" came out. 993 That night I dreamed about Cecilia. It was a dream I hadn't had in a long time, the one where she comes and sits down on the edge of the bed. "How you doing, Son?" "Okay, I guess. Good, really. This is our house now. We moved. You look good. "She was wearing a dark green dress, one I'd never seen before. 1994 There was a common thread, the one that Hillary was so adamant about back in September in the Oldsmobile. 1994 There was a common thread, the one that Hillary was so adamant about back in September in the Oldsmobile. 1994 This is the place I watch these children from as I run on a circular path, the one all the husbands and ex-husbands run on in the mornings when the snakes have receded. They tell me their running makes them more aggressive at work. But for me, it is a way of celebrating, of knowing I am more powerful than others. 1994 Right away the Lord of the Mountain sent a larger mosquito, the one we call ja in Tzeltal, and it went flying off in search of the boy. When it found him it started stinging him all over, until its little stomach was full, and then it returned to the Jtatik Anjel, who immediately set out for the place where the poor boy lay. 1994 But then there came a different sound, the one he'd hoped never to hear, the one every sailor hoped never to hear: from the low side, down to port and inside the decks beneath him, there came a gentle wash of sound, like a distant river, an easy and calming sound. 1995 The past five years have been very difficult for us because we moved to a bigger house, the one you saw in the film, and I thought that would help, have some more space, help Krista feel good about herself, but it really hasn't.
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