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高考英語倒裝句歸納考點 |
作者:劉青沅 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數 更新時間:2013-05-21 文章錄入:劉青沅 責任編輯:admin |
■湖南 劉青沅
倒裝類考點是近幾年高考英語的一個重要考點,同時也是一個命題很有規律的考點,因為綜觀近幾年的高考英語倒裝試題,它只涉及三種類型——掌握它,你就可以“通殺”它! 考點一 考查否定型倒裝 這里說的否定型倒裝,其實就是指將含有否定意義的詞語置于句首時,其后句子要用部分倒裝。我們先看看高考是怎樣考的(答案分別為CDC): 1. Never before ______ seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert. (2012江西卷) A. had she B. she had C. has she D. she has 2. Not until he retired from teaching three years ago ______ having a holiday abroad. (2012遼寧卷) A. he had considered B. had he considered C. he considered D. did he consider 3. This is not my story, nor ______ the whole story. My story plays out differently. (2012四川卷) A. is there B. there is C. is it D. it is 【考點歸納】可置于句首的否定詞比較多,但有趣的是,高考不會面面俱到,其中重點設題的主要有以下幾類: 1. 將否定詞hardly置于句首 Hardly had she spoken than she regretted it bitterly. 話剛出口,她就后悔不迭。 Hardly had they reached Edinburgh than they were ordered to return to London . 他們剛到愛丁堡,就接到了返回倫敦的命令。 2. 將否定詞seldom置于句首 Seldom have I read an article that was so full of lies. 我很少讀到充斥這么多謊言的文章。 Seldom do we hear such fine singing from school choirs. 我們很少能聽到學校的合唱團有如此好的歌唱了。 3. 將否定詞neither置于句首 I can’t ever recall Dad hugging me. Neither did I sit on his knee. 我不記得爸爸曾經抱過我,我也沒在他膝蓋上坐過。 The authorities were not sympathetic to the students’ demands, neither would they tolerate any disruption. 當局既不支持學生們的要求,也不會容忍任何混亂發生。 4. 將否定詞never置于句首 Never before had he seen so many people starving. 以前他從未見過這么多人挨餓。 Never in my wildest dreams had I thought I would go to Hollywood. 我做夢也沒想到自己會去好萊塢。 5. 將否定詞nor置于句首 I don’t expect children to be rude, nor do I expect to be disobeyed. 我不希望孩子們沒有禮貌,也不希望他們不聽話。 He doesn’t want to live in the country when he grows up, nor does he want to live in the city. 他長大后不想住在鄉下,也不想住在城里。 6. 將否定詞little置于句首 Little did they know they were to be reunited ten years later. 他們簡直想不到10年后竟又能團聚。 Little did I think that we were talking together for the last time. 我沒有想到我們這次談話競成訣別。 Little does he know, but we’re flying to Geneva next weekend to celebrate his birthday. 他還不知道呢,下周末我們要飛往日內瓦去給他慶祝生日。
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