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高考英語必須掌握的10個連接副詞 |
作者:劉青沅 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數 更新時間:2014-01-02 文章錄入:admin 責任編輯:admin |
高考英語必須掌握的10個連接副詞 ■湖南 劉青沅 1. besides besides用作副詞主要表示補充說明,意思是“此外”“而且”。如: I don’t want to go shopping. Besides, I haven’t got any money. 我不想去購物,再說,我也沒有錢。 She won’t mind your being late —besides, it’s hardly your fault. 她不介意你遲到——況且這也不能說是你的錯。 2. however however主要用于轉折或對比,意思是“然而”“可是”“但是”。如: Some of the food crops failed. However, the cotton did quite well. 有些糧食作物長得不好,但棉花長得很不錯。 His first response was to say no. Later, however, he changed his mind. 他最初的反應是不同意,但是后來他改變了主意。 3. instead instead主要表示取而代之,大意是“相對”“而是”,有時需根據具體語境來翻譯。如: It will take days by car, so let’s fly instead. 開車去要好幾天呢,咱們還是坐飛機去吧。 My husband asked why I couldn’t just forget about dieting all the time and eat normally instead. 丈夫問我為什么就不能不整天想著節食,轉而正經吃飯。 4. nevertheless nevertheless 主要表示對比或轉折,意思是“盡管如此”“不過”“仍然”。如: There was no news; nevertheless we went on hoping. 盡管毫無消息,我們仍抱著希望。 It’s a difficult race. Nevertheless, thousands of runners participate every year. 那是艱難的比賽,但每年仍有數千人賽跑者參加。 5. meanwhile (1) 表示時間,意思是“其間”“同時”“在此期間”。如: The flight will be announced soon. Meanwhile, please remain seated. 航班很快就要廣播登機,在此期間請繼續坐在座位上。 Carl’s starting college in September. Meanwhile, he’s travelling around (2) 表示對比,意思是“相比之下”“然而”“而”。如: Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects. 壓力會嚴重損害你的健康,鍛煉則可以減少這些影響。 He had always found his wife’s mother a bit annoying. The mother-daughter relationship, meanwhile, was close. 他總是覺得丈母娘有點煩人,然而她們母女之間的關系卻非常親密。 6. moreover moreover主要表示補充說明,意思是“此外”“而且”,與besides大致同義。如: The firm did the work very well. Moreover, the cost was not too high. 這家公司做得十分出色,而且費用也不太高。 Bicycling is good exercise;moreover, it doesn’t pollute the air. 騎自行車是很好的運動,而且它不會污染空氣。 7. otherwise otherwise主要表示否定的條件,意思是“否則”“要不然”。如: You’ll have to go now, otherwise you’ll miss your bus. 你現在得走了,不然你會趕不上公共汽車了。 I’d better write it down, otherwise I’ll forget it. 我最好把它寫下來,要不然我會忘記的。 8. therefore therefore主要表示結果,意思是“因此”“所以”。如: We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project. 我們無法籌到資金,因此不得不放棄計劃。 Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories. 肌肉細胞需要很多能量,所以會燃燒大量卡路里。 9. thus thus主要表示結果,意思是“因此”“所以”。如: No decision had been made, and thus the situation remained unclear. 由于沒有作出決定,所以事態并不明朗。 Fewer pupils will attend the schools, and they will thus have fewer teachers. 上學的學生人數會減少,因此他們將會減少教師的數量。 |
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