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學習表語從句和賓語從句的五個錯點 |
作者:陳根花 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數 更新時間:2015-01-11 文章錄入:admin 責任編輯:admin |
學習表語從句和賓語從句的五個錯點 一、錯用表語從句的引導詞 有些詞語意思相近,但它們有些可以引導表語從句,而有些則不行,比如 whether 和 if 均可表示“是否”,但 whether 可引導表語從句,而if卻不用于引導表語從句。如下面一句中的 whether 就不宜改為 if: What the doctors really doubt is whether my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. 醫生們真正懷疑的是我媽媽是否能很快地從重病中恢復過來。 又如 because, since, as, for 均可表示原因,但其中的 because 可用于引導表語從句,而since, as, for 則不用于引導表語從句。如下面一句中的 because 就不能換成 since, as, for: From space, the earth looks blue. This is because about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water. 從太空看,地球是藍色的,這是因為地球表面大約71%被水覆蓋。
二、混淆表語從句引導詞的“一詞多義” 有不少引導表語從句的連接代詞或連接副詞在不同的語境中可能有不同的含義。如: 1. what 引導的表語從句時,既可表示“什么”,也可表示“……的事(物、東西、地方、人、樣子、數目)等”。如: That is what he meant. 這就是他的意思。 He is no longer what he was. 他已經不是以前的他了。 2. who 引導的表語從句時既可表示“誰”,也可表示“……的人”(其中的who相當于the person who)。如: The question is who we should trust. 問題是我們應當相信誰。 You are not who I thought you were. 你不是我過去所想象的那樣了。 3. where 引導的表語從句時既可表示“哪兒”,也可表示“……的地方”(=the place where),還可表示“在……的地方”(與引導地點狀語從句的where意思相同)。如: The problem is where you can set up your tent. 問題是你在哪兒可以搭帳篷。 This is where you pay. 這是你付款的地方。 The coat is where you left it. 大衣還在你原來放它的地方。 4. when 引導的表語從句時,既可表示“何時”,也可表示“……的時候”(=the time when)。如: What I want to know is when I will get paid. 我想知道的是什么時候可以付錢給我。 This was when I really got to know the
三、混淆 that’s because…與that’s why…的用法 that’s because…和that’s why…中的because和why引導的都是表語從句,但用法不同:that’s because…后面所接句子用于表示發生某事的原因,通常譯為“是因為……”;that’s why…后面所接句子表示由于某原因所導致的結果,通常譯為“那就是(為什么)……的原因”。比較: He was sent to the hospital. That’s because he was ill. 他被送到醫院,因為他生病了。(原因是“生病”,結果是“被送醫院”) He was ill. That’s why he was sent to the hospital. 他病了,所以被送到醫院去了。(原因是“生病”,結果是“被送醫院”)
四、在介詞后誤用that從句作賓語 根據英語語法習慣,介詞后原則上不接that引導的賓語從句,遇此情況可改用the fact that結構。如: 他說孩子父母應對孩子逃跑一事負責。 誤:He said the parents were responsible for that the child had run away. 正:He said the parents were responsible for the fact that the child had run away. 但是,也有例外的情況,如but, except等少數表示“除……之外”的介詞,其后可以接that引導的賓語從句。如: He has not changed at all except that he is no longer so talkative. 他一點也沒變,只是不像以前那樣愛說話了。
五、不知道在什么情況下使用形式賓語 有的同學將形式賓語與形式主語混同起來,認為使用形式賓語僅僅是為了避免“頭重腳輕”。其實,對形式賓語正確的理解是:當比較復雜的賓語成分后面跟有賓語補足語時,通常才在賓語從句處使用形式賓語it,而將真正的賓語從句移至句末——也就是說,使用形式賓語有兩個重要前提:一是賓語比較復雜,二是賓語后面跟有賓語補足語。如: We believe it possible that someone set the house on fire. 我們認為有可能有人對那房子縱火。 He soon made it clear why he had asked for a conference. 他很快表明為什么要求召開會議。 They haven’t made it known where they are to hold the conference. 他們還沒宣布會議在哪里開。
【即學即練】閱讀下面句子,在括號內填入適合的單詞。 1. The real test of a good driver is ________ he remains calm in an emergency. 2. The reason our schools cannot afford better teachers is ________ people here are poor. 3. Country life gives him peace and quiet, which is ________ he can’t enjoy while living in big cities. 4. Patience is a kind of quality — and that is ________ it takes to do anything well. 5 You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is ________ I disagree. 6. Tom was late for work this morning. That is ________ he overslept. 7 Tom overslept this morning. That is ________ he was late for work.(www.hz123456.com) 8. Susan made ________ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. 9. Don’t you find ________ a bit funny that she never mentions her husband? 10. The judge paid a lot of attention to the ________ that the child was unhappy at home. 【參考答案】1. whether 2. because 3. what 4. what 5. where 6. because 7. why 8. it 9. it 10. fact (www.yywords.com) |
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