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說說My flat is twice bigger than yours這個句子 |
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說說My flat is twice bigger than yours這個句子 ■倪肖丁(西安) 《語法無敵全答》(外文出版社2014第一版)有這樣一個例句: My flat is twice bigger than yours. 我的公寓比你的大兩倍。 這個例句存在兩個問題。 首先,倍數比較級用法不當。用twice(還有half)表示倍數進行比較時,應該用as …as或twice the...結構,而不是more than結構,這是英文的習慣用法。有些英文詞典直接把twice as much/many和twice as作為句式結構列出。 CGOEL明確告誡:Twice is used with as many as or as much as rather than more. PEU則有專門提醒。例如可以說: She's twice as lively as her sister. 但不說*She's twice livelier than her sister. 可以說: I ’m not going out with a man who’s twice as old as me. 但不說*I’m not going out with a man who’s twice older than me. 所以,《語法無敵全答》的例句本身就不符合英語習慣用法。其中的twice bigger than應該改為twice as big as,或者全句改成My flat is twice the size of yours。 遺憾的是像twice bigger這種不符合英語慣用法的例句在國內英語語法和教參中屢見不鮮。例如《高中英語語法全解》(安徽科學技術出版社2016第八次印刷)有例句I’m twice older than you;《常考英語語法手冊》(石油工業出版社,2008)有例句This room is twice larger than that one;《高中英語語法表解大全》(中央編譯出版社2008第3版)有The road is twice longer than that one,等等。 其次,對倍數比較句式的意思理解有誤。國內基礎英語語法和教參中這類理解錯誤很常見,即使專業性很強的辭書中也同樣存在。例如,葛傳槼先生的《英語慣用法詞典》在time詞條中指出:Your house is three times as large as mine和Your house is three times larger than mine兩句意思不同:前者意為“你的房子是我的房子的三倍大小”,后者意為“你的房子比我的房子大三倍[就是我的房子的四倍大小]”。 但是實際上,無論是N times more…than還是N times as…as,意思都一樣,按漢語的表達習慣,都是“ N倍那么大(多、長)”,或者 “比…大(多、長)N-1倍”。 對此,英文權威詞典和語法著述都有明確的結論。 Chambers Essential English Dictionary(1995)在定義times (倍數) 時說:One thing is a certain number of times greater than, or as great as, another if it is equal to the other multiplied by that number(如果說A is N times greater或as great as B,那么A=B ☓N)。 CGOEL指出: Count as many ( . . . ) as and noncount as much ( . . . ) as are equivalent to more ( . . . ) than when they are premodified by a times-phrase(前有倍數短語修飾時,as many/much as與more...than相等)。例如: Five times as many people came to the demonstration as (did) last time。 = Five times more people came to the demonstration than (did) last time. Swan的PEU和國內章振邦《新編英語語法》系列也有相關的、更為詳細的闡述。而且,他們的觀點在英語的實際中也能得到證實。例如,英文版《大英百科全書》在介紹澳大利亞昆士蘭州時寫道:The state is more than twice the size of the U.S. state of Texas and seven times larger than the United Kingdom. 我們知道,Queensland面積是172.72萬平方公里,United Kingdom面積是24.41萬平方公里。也就是說,前者是后者的7倍多(而不是8倍多)。這表明seven times larger than=seven times as large as。 由此可知,《語法無敵全答》上的My flat is twice bigger than yours一句,即使不考慮其語法缺陷,其真實含義也只能是“我的公寓=你的公寓☓2”。所以,在糾正英文的同時,漢譯也應改為“我的公寓是你的兩倍大”,或“我的公寓比你的大一倍”。
完整內容請查看:https://www.cpsenglish.com/article/135 |
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