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介詞for用法完全歸納 |
作者:admin 文章來源:本站原創 點擊數 更新時間:2010-11-28 文章錄入:admin 責任編輯:admin |
用法13:(表支持、贊成)支持,贊成。如: Are you for or against the plan?你是支持還是反對這個計劃? I’m all for the young enjoying themselves. 我完全贊成年輕人多玩玩。 用法14:(表基準)就……來說,以……而言,作為。如: He’s done well for a beginner. 作為新手,他干得很好。 He is heavy for a small boy. 作為一個小男孩而言,他的身體算重的了。 She was short for her age. 就她的年齡來說,個子是矮了點。 The day is cool for July. 在7月里這樣的日子算是涼快的了。 用法15:(表比例)每……就……。如: Plant three trees for every one that is cut down. 每砍一棵樹要種三棵樹。 He has one enemy for a hundred friends. 他的敵人與朋友之比為一比一百。 For every five who passed, there were two who failed. 每5個人及格,就有2個不及格。 For every mistake you make, you’ll lose half a mark. 你每犯一個錯誤,就要扣去半分。 【用法說明】用于此義時,通常與 each, every 或數詞連用。 用法16:代表,代替,代理。如: What’s the English for “中國”? 英語里“中國”怎么說? What’s the “C” for in “BBC”? BBC中的C代表什么? Red is for danger. 紅色代表危險。 Let me do it for you. 讓我替你做吧。 The lawyer acted for him during the trial. 在審案期間由律師代表他行事。 用法17:(表安排的時間)在,于。如: The appointment is for 10:30. 約會定在十點半。 We’ve invited our guests for 7 o’clock. 我們已邀請我們的客人7點鐘來。 We’ve booked our holiday for the second week in July. 我們的假期安排在七月份的第二個星期。 The next meeting was arranged for the tenth of May. 下次會議已定于5月10日舉行。 【用法說明】用于此義時,for 主要指安排或約定的時間,所以像下面兩例中的介詞 at,in 就不能換成 for。如: He gets up at six every day. 他每天6點鐘起床。 He was born in September, 1988. 他出生于1988年9月。 用法18:(表讓步)盡管,雖然。如(www.hz123456.com): For all his money, he’s a very lonely man. 他雖然富有,可是非常寂寞。 For all his efforts, he didn’t succeed. 盡管他做了很多努力,卻仍然沒有成功。 I love you, for all your shortcomings. 盡管你有很多缺點,但我仍然愛你。 【用法說明】用于此義時,通常與 all 連用。(見上例) 用法19:(與不定式連用引出邏輯上的主語)。如: It is for you to decide. 該由你來決定。 All I want is for us to be together. 我希望的只是我們能在一起。 Is there any need for me to go? 我有沒有必要去? He spoke too fast for her to follow. 他說得太快,她跟不上。 It is a great pity for him to leave here so soon. 他這么快就離開這里真是遺憾。 It is dangerous for a small child to cross the road alone. 小孩子自己過馬路很危險。 For a bridge to collapse like that is unbelievable. 一座橋像那樣倒塌是不可想像的。 【用法說明】(1) 下面兩句同義,但以第一句為普通。如: 老人快跑是危險的。 正:It is dangerous for an old man to run fast. 正:For an old man to run fast is dangerous. (2) 有時可表目的。如: I’ve sent my coat away for it to be cleaned. 我把外衣送去洗了。 For sales to increase, we must lower our prices. 為了增加銷量,我們必須降低價格。 (3) 有時用于 than 后引出不定式的邏輯主語。如: There’s nothing worse than for a person to ill-treat a child. 沒有什么比虐待小孩更惡劣的了。 |
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